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The Voice of The Silence - Joma Sipe

Started by Xzen, May 10, 2017, 07:37:11 AM

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QuoteO Fogo da minha Alma arderá para sempre l My Soul´s Fire will burn forever


Estrelas fixas num universo oculto, Dentro de ti e do teu ser.
Luzes que se descobrem no âmago da Luz vivente, No teu corpo e no teu olhar.
Há um universo de galáxias em ti, Que rodeia os vales verdejantes.
Há um pastor que te ama e, Oculto, te vela, uma certeza de que a tua alma é eterna.

Fixed stars in a hidden universe, Within thee and thy being.
Lights that are discovered in the heart of The living light, In your body and your look.
There is a universe of galaxies in thee, That surrounds the verdant valleys.
There is a Shepherd who loves you, And, hidden, veils you, A certainty that your soul is eternal.


Quando os Olhos do Coração se abrem, Os Olhos da Alma ganham vida. Tu crias com o Poder dos Céus:
Isso que está dentro do teu Puro Lago de Sabedoria: Isso que está na profundidade do Espírito que descansa dentro.
Volta a Isso. Procura-O. Quando o tempo chegar verás, Será o Retorno à tua Essência, O Retorno à Inocência.

When the Eyes of the Heart are opened, The Eyes of the Soul come to life. You create with the Power of Heavens:
It is within your Pure Lake of Wisdom: It is deep in the Spirit that lies inside. Return to It. Seek It. When time comes you will see,
It will be the Return to your Essence, The Return to Innocence.

- Joma Sipe


Rising Spirit

Yes, quite lovely and most intricate.  Reminds me of some of my inner visions of The Grid.  Xzen posted about Indra's Web, in his Manifesto and this so reminds me of that phrase.  How wonderfully crafted this artwork is.  Very inspiring!   8)
There is no self to which I cling, for I am one with everything.


QuoteYes, quite lovely and most intricate.  Reminds me of some of my inner visions of The Grid.  Xzen posted about Indra's Web, in his Manifesto and this so reminds me of that phrase.  How wonderfully crafted this artwork is.  Very inspiring!

Thank you Rising Spirit, I greatly appreciate your reference to the 5 Hive Manifesto .. the link you have made is inspiring.

QuoteIgniting our neural awakening & a network of interconnectedness that reflects Indra's web; we gather here to support one another to learn, grow & grace our lives with the extraordinary learning's that arise from experience with the molecule 5-MeO-DMT.



breath taking. May I ask if this is a drawing or so.ething besides digital work? whatever it is is mind blowing and nearly looks woven of string or sticks. hard to comprehend but so much empathy.


It looks digital to me, but perhaps it is hand drawn? Will have to look at the artist's website...


Quotebreath taking. May I ask if this is a drawing or so.ething besides digital work? whatever it is is mind blowing and nearly looks woven of string or sticks. hard to comprehend but so much empathy.

- lsdmthc33

Yes, his work is truly breathtaking, & light years from his original paintings. Here Joma describes his current style;

QuoteI work different ways, sometimes I draw intuitively using silver or gold based ink pens, very thin, like 0,5mm, directly on the black canvas or paper.
Other times I use the computer to help me drawing the symmetrical forms, I print them, and then transfer it to the support using a white chemical transfer paper. Then I trace again above this lines using the silver or gold pens.

To draw I use the compass, rules and triangles and the silver or gold very thin pens that I mention earlier