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Started by Rising Spirit, September 10, 2023, 10:29:19 PM

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Rising Spirit

In regards to the tremendous shift in one's consciousness brought about by ceremony with the sacred 5 molecule, I humbly submit that any attempt to articulate the dissolution of one's ordinary modality of self mesmerizm, is effectively shattered into so much cosmic dust. It might be speculative on my part, but when one's illusions are washed away with such potent force...  who then remains to maintain any iota of cognitive, subjective attention?  I'd add that during every single one of my nondual epiphanies, there occurs a certain degree of total white out.  What happens is not exactly a completely blank canvas, dead voidness, nor a state of helpless comatose.  Rather, without thought process or identity through self-orientation, by what measure does one fathom the unfathomable?  It would be sheer insanity to proclaim that without rational thought, premeditated determination or habitual intention, for any strata of self awareness to survive the wholly dissolving fulcrum of attunement to pure Source omniscience, that the 5 medicine reliably gifts.

What does come through so beautifully and so divinely intended, is that while during the full-eclipsing with the sacred white vacuum of limitless infinity, that insubstancial, yet magnificently effulgent power, there is both soul recognition and deep spiritual resonance. I call it the remembrance.  Minds are frozen by the overwhelming and unbridled force of the 5 molecule. Identification with our accustomed storylines are essentially, temporarily erased yet, something mysteriously wonderful still pulses sublimely, without name, dimension nor any form.  A profound symbiosis occurs to those accustomed to long periods of time without fixation upon thoughts and one's internal dialog.  This is primarily why I so enthusiastically emphasize the magical practice of daily sitting and moving meditation.  Existence is relative to one's mindset and to the programmed patterning of our unique, experientially learned behavior.  Freeze that pattern and conscious-awareness still resides and perception, while it may lack perceivable orientation, voyages on through our willing surrender of control and habitual need for finite quantification...  but still maintains buoyancy through the miracle of focussed attention.

Ultimately, I surmise that in such a buoyant ego stasis, one erasing of self projection and maintenance of concrete reality, a most lovely state of attunement and receptivity blooms.  Within such a vortexial fulcrum of no-thingness...  what appears to be absolute emptiness is essentially a force of limitless potentiality, a beginningless and endless recycling of becoming and in turn, dissolving into sheerest oblivion.  Such is the dualistic nature of 3 dimensional, material existence, as it is birthed, rippens and eventually dissipates back into undifferentiated formlessness. What does remain if everything is so utterly transient?  I hypothesize that pure Source energy resides within all strata of phenomenal occurrences and all degrees of existential being.  Call it the Godhead or the eternal Tao or the Great Spirit...  yet it matters little.  What does emphatically matter, is attunement to this Source energy and a remembrance of always having been indivisibly one with this miraculous field of absolute potentiality, endlessly blooming, ad infinitum.

And then...  out sheerest emptiness explodes luminosity beyond description.  Let there be Light!  There was an overwhelmingly immense, blinding illumination and radiance..  Flooding, cascading, revitalizing effulgence emerges to bring a spark and enlightening vibration of intuitive understanding and then, divine transmission awakens the soul bird to take immortal flight.  Herein, is the sacred treasure, the very kernel of philosophy and of all religions.  As Hermes Trismegistus said so profoundly, nearly 3000 years ago, "As above, so bellow.  As within, so without.  As the universe, so the soul."  Unity is the only law which endures.  We are one and I honor you all with fierce yet loving reverence.  Aho, Namaste and Namaskar.    _/|\_  _/|\_

There is no self to which I cling, for I am one with everything.