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Whiteout Experiences From 5-MeO-DMT: Testimonials, Please.

Started by Rising Spirit, May 13, 2018, 08:46:33 PM

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Rising Spirit

During a significant number of my experiences with psychedelics I have, at the very highest peak moments, had experiences of blinding white light.  These are always perceived through "the third eye", the Ajna chakra.  Actually, it is technically a clear and luminous light, a radiating white effulgence but one refracting an endless array of shimmering rainbow colors, each hue most vibrant and magnificent. 

I have eagerly fused my consciousness with said inviting brilliance and steered my intent merging my shifting awareness with it's infinite, loving presence.  The mind then stops for a divine pause...  and oneself is totally shattered by the immensity of the expansion into absolute being. 

Sacred Medicines like:  LSD-25, peyote/mescaline, psilocybin mushrooms and NN-DMT, do surely facilitate this kind if blissful whiteout experience.  Can those who've been blessed by the Toad Medicine, organically or synthetically produced, shed any personal/transpersonal experience reports here? 

Granted, visions and auditory sensations emanating from the pineal gland are essentially 6th chakra phenomena.  It would be awesome to hear about some of the sounds and visions (or moments of sweetest, quitest emptiness) encountered with 5-MeO-DMT, which James Oroc, author of Tryptamine Palace, suggests operates within the full bloom of the 7th chakra, the Sahasrara.  Thanx in advance, folks.   _/|\_ _/|\_ 
There is no self to which I cling, for I am one with everything.


That's interesting because I would not have described any of my experiences with 5 as having a brilliant/blinding white light although, agreed the overriding color of the experience is white. In fact I've found even by taking a very small dose of 5, everything immediately puts itself into black and white devoid of almost any other color. Is this just something physiological?

Rising Spirit

Quote from: MagicMexico
That's interesting because I would not have described any of my experiences with 5 as having a brilliant/blinding white light although, agreed the overriding color of the experience is white. In fact I've found even by taking a very small dose of 5, everything immediately puts itself into black and white devoid of almost any other color. Is this just something physiological?
Thanx for your reply as to your experiences, which do corroborate with those of a good friend of mine, who describes his only 5-MeO trip as going into "the white room".  He says that he found his conscious-awareness floating blissfully in an expanse undifferentiated whiteness.  He did not particularly state that it was any kind of light, per se.  He did indicate that the boundaries that separated himself from the whiteness had been whollly erased and so, he completely became the whiteness (without any iota of form of substance).

As I have perceived of it, one is initially looking up at a blinding white light pulsating within an inky darkness, as seen through the lens of the third eye.  I first noticed this phenomenon while peaking on a rather large dosage of LSD-25 (way back in 1978).  I looked at this effulgence from inside of my head, radiating from behind my forehead.  I later learned that this region is where the pineal gland projects it's vortexial fulcrum as the point of the Kutashtha, "the all seeing eye".  The third eye center or as it's called in Sanskrit, the Ajna, is the 6th chakra and is both a inner lens for visionary states and also acts as a portal of sorts. 

When my attention is wholly fixed at the third eye center, I have been able to move through it's vortex, higher up into the crown region within the upper brain, where the Sahasrara unfolds as the 7th chakra center.  Once therein, everything whites out, so to speak.  As one's subjectivity melts into the Void...  all differentiation dissolves into an undifferentiated field, one wherein the light is sooooooo singular that one has a total whiteout experience.  I agree with James Oroc, the 5-MeO-DMT molecule takes one's consciousness into the heights of the 7th chakra, the "thousand petalled lotus".  Soon I will be able to explore this realm myself, God willing.   _/|\_ _/|\_
There is no self to which I cling, for I am one with everything.

Rising Spirit

Quote from: free-range on December 10, 2020, 09:36:10 AM

Thanks so much, free-range, for reviving this old thread.  It's personally fascinating to me to read about my prior understanding of whiteout experiences, insofar as never having been blessed by 5-MeO-DMT before.  Having had ten mind-blowing immersions with the sacrement, occurring over 2.5 years time, all I can say is that words are not enough to truly convey the quintessential moment that everything one has been conditioned to perceive, shifts so rapidly and very, very exponentially into a bright white light paradigm of sheer oblivion. 

Thus, wholly undifferentiated force quickly consumes all conceptual boundaries and fixed modalities of personality...  so much so, that all distinctions between this or that, the inside of the outside, oneself or another...  all dissolves into a blindingly white vortex of pure omni-dimensional consciousness (conscious of exactly what, though?) wherein there exists no individualized context, nor any shred of perceivable manifest dualism at play, at such a pivotal point in the divine eclipsing with the 5 medicine

Is it then an absolute existential vacuum suctioning for an eternity in the making?  Again, it cannot feasibly be said in human linguistics.  And while it cannot truly be said, ironically, it can be known directly but at an immense cost, I would think?  Death-Bardos-Rebirthing.   Now from this side of the proverbial looking glass, I do humbly feel that what this indivisible force is conscious of is simply being existence itself but without form or any iota of substance.  It flies way beyond reason or finite quantification, naturally, for subjectifying a state of non-dual energy is pretty meaningless.  It may even be misleading, in an unintentional way?  That being said, like a month to the flame, spiritual curiosity draws our rapt attention deeper down the rabbit hole, so to speak. 

The desire to return to the crystalline hub of infinite presence, now outweighs all other relative mortal interests.  This seems to sit in the background of ordinary life, eager to rekindle when the timing is perfectly aligned.  Likewise, one's capacity at fully surrendering one's own dreamscapes for a seamless union with the source of every plane or dimension, the bright void...  incrementally becomes quite clearly focussed.  Yet I cannot honestly say with any conviction, that during the peak moment within all ten epic ceremonies, that I had any perception nor even any definition of myself as being a subjective witness.  Not exactly like being a blank canvas, it's really more of an inherent sense of vibrating in unison with an intricate, all pervasive lattice-work or perhaps interconnected light strings, all spiralling as the unseen embodiment of the torus dynamic, add infinitum. 

Getting lost in the void and finding new life without thinking or even needing to know anything.  Just vanishing within the dawning understanding of always having been this unbroken webbing of fractal interrelationships, for they are apparently indistinct from the whole of the unified field and omni-matrix but are also an eternal rippling of quantum pulsations, all synchronized in an epicentrical fulcrum of an unlimited, sacred mystery.  As a human word, ineffibility only vaguely hints at this stage of supra-heightened awareness.  Samadhi and Satori are traditionally used in Asia but in the peaking moment, the pure translucency surely evades any and all attempts at naming the unnamed source. 

Of course, when the eclipsing moves beyond full zenith and individuated self re-crystallizes as one's primary subject of attention...  there is such a heightened, intense feeling of gratitude.  It is such a valuable, cathartic rebirthing experience!  And more and more, the remembrance enigmatically shimmers effulgently within the periphery, like an enticing jewel, glistening seductively within a mirage and yet, the refracted luminance endlessly draws one to focus clearly upon a metaphorical, twinkling star high up overhead.

Be well all.   _/|\_ _/|\_
There is no self to which I cling, for I am one with everything.

Rising Spirit

Greetings All,
                        I just wanted to touch bases with all of you fine 5 people.  Cheers for the New Year.  As so few comments have been added to this thread, it might be wiser to let it drift off into obscurity as some kind of cosmic gibberish?  Or might there still be something valid we might share about shifting conscious-awareness from the personal to the supra-personal...  from the individuated to the un-individuated...  from the awareness of form and substance, to the expansion of awareness that crosses into the formless and insubstantial?  I do believe there is.  Granted, any descriptions or lofty ideas we might convey deal in the dichotimous nature of the narrative...  I still naively feel it is healthy and most worthwhile to compare and/or contrast notes.   8)

One notion has come to crystallize within my admittedly limited human capacity for thought, which revolves around this rather heady matter, is how the blinding WHITE brilliance suddenly erases the dynamic of both self and other.  The experience is wholly nondual and the impact is staggering!  And it creates an existential urgency deep inside of the soul centered within this passing dream of mortal life.  One instinctively crafts an alternative paradigmn, internally and externally, for one's consciousness itself.  Born within the rapid expansion and full bloom of an energetic eclipsing with the Unified Field, whose vacuum absorbs and obliterated subjectivity like a supernova exploding galexies into star dust, enigmatically seats an epicentrical clear light void/zero-point energy field of sheerest quintessence, pulsing from deep within the vast emptiness.  As there can exist no duality in the very core of this all-pervasive force, the innate witnessing self is dissolved within seconds.  KABOOM and then no-thing.  No divisions or multiplications are even possible within the vortexial fulcrum of the Omniversal (were one silly enough to attempt to conceptualize a formula to pin-point the One, it would prooves ineffibley elusive).  Ironically, said Omniversal singularity is also born of an absolute zero-point inversion.  The eternal Tao.

Hence the blank canvas of subjective perceptual context?  Minutes later the ego incrementally coagulates and phew!  Back down to earth with a profound sense of gratitude and sincere humility.  After all, who isn't humbled by such a force?  In such an immense wake, grounding, balancing and integrating such phenomenal changes in perceptual data becomes by way of necessity, one's primary focus, both during the peak and following the destruction, dissemination, re-assimilation and entire rebirthing process.  Growing a new skin, if you will?  A skin which directly understands the underlying spirit humming within the emptiness within the fullness.  Recognizing a symbiosis with The Source and an empathic, inter-connection with all other forms of life...  to grasp some iota of reasonable cognizance of what takes place during a full whiteout experience and how to then reflect something positive and how this then, becomes quite life affirming.  Thoughts, counterpoints or personal anecdotes?  Namaskar folks.  _/|\_ _/|\_

There is no self to which I cling, for I am one with everything.

Rising Spirit

I have been wanting to add a few new ideas and observations gleaned from my 11th ceremony with the sacrement.  An overwhelming flood of MeO whiteness washed away all traces of separation from the force that was obliterating my egoic framework, leaving nothing but a humming tone ringing infinitely and enigmatically...   echoing the eternal song of the Source.  Everything just vanished within the oscillations and light pulsations.  Individuality dissolved so rapidly the phenomenon erased all objective perception, resulting in a palpable nondual state, an indivisible, neon-bright emptiness pervading every direction at once without compromising it's vast Omniscience.  This blooming energy was expanding and conversely, contracting exponentially, both inwardly within the epicenter of the intrepid voyager's core of being & outwardly, towards the far reaches of the galaxy and beyond.

I now am beginning to feel that my first romantic notions about the 5-MeO experience are naive and fundamentally dualistic in nature. Seen from a more seasoned vantage point, it makes little rational sense to attempt mapping the route from personal to the suprapersonal, as both don't exist together in an experiential way.  Perhaps it's better to label the process as surrendering?  It always kinda believed that while the mysterious gray areas are likely phantoms, as there is either the transient dream had by the isolated soul or the transcendental void, undying within the absolute immensity of the Unified Field.  Yet two are still one and unbroken.  Glints of eternal reality, consciously conjoined within spiritual wakefulness...  I now see that both are ultimately the same. 

Does desire bring form into being from formlessness?  If so, whose? God's?  And it's an immense, cosmic desire at that.  Hence the need for our penchant for an objective reality.  It might well be true that whatever force awakens as all of life, ironically endlessly searches for self-reflection, one born of division and unification.  Well at least this makes use of paradox, new in light of a maturing depth of attunement and a genuine hunger for re-translating alternate interpretations of the above impressions?  Moving forward, there has been a kind of 7th sense developing within my puny human cognition.  A symbiosis keeps appearing before my rapt attention.  Connecting the remembrance of Source to the flower of creation, in neutral mindfulness, if you will?  It's a path stretching out before me.  Namaste.  _/|\_ _/|\_
There is no self to which I cling, for I am one with everything.

Brother Goose

I had this white light experience with my first and only (thus far) time doing bufo toad venom. Everything was pure bright light and fluxing energy that was going straight through me. Definitely seems to be a common effect with a full 5 blastoff.
Jesus Mihi Omnia


I would like two voice two thoughts:

I've more commonly seen the phrase "whiteout experience" be used for non-experiences, which is what many novices (myself included) report: I inhaled, then 15 minutes later returned to my body with no memory of anything having happened, asking my facilitator if I had truly been gone (which she affirmed). What you describe I more commonly see labeled as a "breakthrough experience", where the experience may entail all-whiteness, but at least there is still... experience.

Secondly, your beautiful poetry about these experiences inspired me to title a musical piece of mine "Vortexial Fulcrum". It may be heard here (and is a continuation of the preceding piece, "Feedback Healing").

Namaste :)

Rising Spirit

Why thank you for the nice compliment.  And I will definitely check out your music.  Ultimately, anything we say about the 5 journey, from this side of the looking glass, falls quite shy of precise quantification. Still, we carry on objectifying the sheer ineffibility of it all.  I feel that whiteout and breakthrough are rather synonymous descriptives.

In my own personal semantics, there is a world of difference between a whiteout and a blackout experience (or the void of any experience).  Sure, the word "out" may be inappropriate.  Perhaps white-in is more relavent?  As while there is a complete cessation of perceived duality, there is indeed an experience, however ineffible and nonlinear in nature.  Decades of meditation attest to to such thoughtless awareness.  _/|\_ 
There is no self to which I cling, for I am one with everything.

Rising Spirit

Maharani, I checked out your sonic masterpiece, Vortexial Fulcum, and it kinda triggered a reactivation!  Very, very fine musical/experiential shift in consciousness.  Bravissimo!  🙏✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️
There is no self to which I cling, for I am one with everything.


Thank you! :)

Have you had a chance to interphase with the molecule since your 12th experience related on this forum?

Rising Spirit

Quote from: Maharani on February 03, 2025, 09:48:09 AMThank you! :)

Have you had a chance to interphase with the molecule since your 12th experience related on this forum?
No I haven't.  I've spent a good stretch grounding and integrating the immensity of the experiences.  My supply is exhausted now, as it was sent from Europe by a wonderful soul who helped procure it for me.  Were I living in Canada, it would be possible to purchase legally but here in the USA...  acquisition is an underground, insiders privilege.  I attempted to legally buy 5-MeO-MALT but the chemical company required proof of legitimate scientific research.  I am not a scientist, nor associated with any university's experimentation. 

I have imbibed golden teachers and penis envy psilocybin mushrooms, as my circle of friends are involved with that sacrament.   And it's def not the same anymore.  It has taken on a different character in my recent journies.  It's much more like 5 than before.  Still visually kaleidoscopic but shifting into the nondual state has become easier and more enriching.  By the grace of God go I.  _/|\_
There is no self to which I cling, for I am one with everything.