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5-meo and interconnectivity

Started by Wakingup1901, March 06, 2021, 11:54:25 AM

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Happy day  ^-^ . Through meditation and occasional psilocybin use I've become increasingly aware of our interconnectedness. I'm interested in increasing this awareness in myself and others because I firmly believe it's a cure for what ails our society. Having no 5-meo experience of my own, I'm wondering what your thoughts are regarding its use for increasing this awareness more rapidly than the tried and true methods I've used. Thank you! Peace and love



I think that it can increase the awareness of interconnectivity and requires a careful process and framing for that interconnectedness to be well integrated.


Only speaking from my personal experience here...but yes, absolutely I think it has the potential to rapidly bring that interconnectedness to the forefront.
I remember a deeper psilocybin journey I had once, where I wrapped a quilt around myself that my great-great-grandmother had made. Instantly, I was bombarded with thoughts and images dropping in from the collective. It was rather overwhelming for me, but my first clearly defined experience of interconnectedness.

For me, repeatedly (but mostly during the reactivations), I experienced something similar but much more intensely. I felt like I went hopping around the matrix, connecting to people/places/events that transcended all structures of time and space. Also, during the ceremonies themselves, an indescribable sense/feeling/knowing of the oneness/connectedness of all things, but particularly nature. 

Also, interestingly, the other people present during my experience (5 days), it's like our fields became intertwined. A lot of energy exchanges, both intentional (supportive), and circumstantial (walking by me for example), started happening after about 2 days. It was this beautiful sense of "healing together".

I agree with what HumbleVoyager said though - process and framing...I am feeling rather alone in my integration, and although I am 'ok', I really struggled the first few days with feeling SO OPEN, like, TOO connected...and now, a couple of weeks later, just trying to let it all sink in and move forward without over-thinking everything I now know/feel/have experienced.

Rising Spirit

Finally getting around to sharing my thoughts, feelings and small understanding of the phenomenon of interconnection.  And especially, how this relates to the ceremonial use of entheogens.  Through the magic of chemistry, one's consciousness is shifted from the ordinary state of awareness, enigmatically so, towards the most extraordinary state of conscious union with the absolute and undifferentiated field, the ethereal grid upon which everything appears and then, disappears back into the shimmering void, after a stitch in time.  Upon seeing beyond the veil, everything changes, forever!  An essential part of this immense transformation, is finding deep empathy and compassion, unity and seamless interconnection with all of life itself.  The flowing essence of the eternal Tao... forever changing, yet always abiding.

I do believe that sacred medicines teach us about the frailty and illusory nature of our own individualized conscious-awareness.  We are all of us born into this 3-dimensional paradigmn without any readily accessible capacity to navigate through this often times dangerous physical reality.  As such, it takes us years and years to train ourselves to exist as a separate part of the whole.  How to live seeking pleasure and happiness as an isolated personage.  Sure, we are part of the greater collective and as unique parts, we comprehend only a fraction of the totality.  We are indoctrinated to desire this or that for ourselves, searching for our own individual contentment.  Naturally, we have strong familial relationships.  We look for friends and lovers along our way through life.  We seem to need to bond with other individualized centers of perception.  To unite, despite the separation that duality necessitates.  To discover the power of love and to share love with others.   <3 <3 <3 

I humbly feel that over and above all of our many instinctual human drives, is that of discovering our interconnection with each other and ultimately, the universe as a whole.  We are hardwired to seek something more, something beyond all dichotomies.  Deep within our beating hearts pulses a sacred remembrance.  An innate interrelationship with our very Source, that is rekindled by all of our highest degrees of spiritual attunement.  More than any other entheogenic molecular medicine, 5-MeO-DMT erases the conditioned isolation we are programmed by social norms to stay compressed within.  In such direct interphase with oneness...  all personal identity is temporarily dissolved.  In so doing, the 5 anointment shatters our narrow fixation and opens the floodgates to an infinite conscious-awareness.  This self obliteration creates the perfect storm for immense spiritual awakening.

Now a huge part of said awakening is our recognition that we don't really exist as separate parts of the indivisible totality.  That our most unique characteristics are truly universal and entwined with all else within the dreamscape of our mortal sentience.  Deep, deep within the vortexial fulcrum of the Omniversal center, we become reacquainted with eternal moment, the timeless now, the insubstantial and wholly transcendent state.  We merge into the blinding brilliance of the formless effulgence that is the center of all strata of being and non-being, like the proverbial moth to a flame!  Immersion without definition follows suit and the tiny dream bubble pops, returning into no-thingness, awaiting yet another material incarnation, a microcosm uncoiling, perhaps it's just another dream within a dream?

Ergo, the palpable presence of interconnection overrides any heretofore, conditioned perceptual imprisonment.  Mind is lost within labyrinths inside and outside of the realm of any subjectivity,  then catapolted into the clear light of the void...  thus obliterating any finite trace of personal ego, of oneself in counterpoint to another being.  It transmutes into a rather difficult to describe state of existence....  perceiving oneself within others.  In an ultimate sense, there really are no others.  Everything is truly Godself entwined within itself, an infinity of mirrored refractions. 

Much like facets upon a jewel, myriad reflections of the interior light, dance upon the entirety of one single gem.  Entheogens dramatically reveal this intrinsic unity.  Such notions of me or mine dissolve, albeit only briefly, to vanish within the illusory dream bubble of a separate self, for our truest freedom within this sacred union.  There is naught but the limitless Omniself, forever abiding in resplendence, and as it is an unbroken core, zero point field of emptiness (Buddhist idea of Sunyata), it cannot be divided into fractions, save within the still dreaming mirage of oneself.  We are always That, always have been, always will be.  Tat Tvam Asi, Hari Om Tat Sat, Aham Brahmasmi and Sat Chit Ananda (as spoken in Vedic Sanskrit). 

May we each seek to ground our sacred epiphanies and look to each other for healing and communion.  Bringing the light of the Soucrce energy, back down to earth, into our everyday lives, is so vitally key to reintegration and our overall spiritual growth. By healing ourselves, we help to heal this often troubled world.  Let love, empathy and compassion be our earthly compasses.  Namaskar to you all, my dear 5 Hive friends!  I love you each and all without measure.   _/|\_ _/|\_ _/|\_ 

There is no self to which I cling, for I am one with everything.


Thank you for this post....
I am gobsmacked by your words  _/|\_