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Oblivion and The Dissolution of The Finite Self

Started by Rising Spirit, November 06, 2022, 09:51:36 AM

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Rising Spirit

Greetings all.  From my view of things, the most powerful teaching that Sacred Medicines gift is the temporary erasure of our conditioned ego-referencing.  Perhaps one might see this as the brief cessation of the isolated, finite self?  Certainly all beings experience this during deep sleep and unconsciousness.  Yet, the way that psychedelics dissolve the solidity of individuality is most remarkable, as it is a wholly conscious realignment.  Conscious of exactly what?  My humble belief is that the psychonaut becomes conscious of primordial conscious-awareness itself.  Call it:  Brahman, the Godhead, Christ or the Eternal Tao but it remains free of any and all rational quantification.  As such, it's the unique type of awareness that is wholly epicentrical, multi-dimensional and even multi- directional.  This doesn't allow for subjective perception, per se, for such a deep remembrance tosses all associations with ordinary perception into sheer oblivion. 

Some might emphatically argue that there is no different between deep sleep and Samadhi states...  from my windowsill, the distinct difference is that while asleep or dreaming, everything is obscured by an acute absence of all capacity of any conceivable degree of control over one's own awareness and it's direction.  By stark contrast, while in full-blown eclipsing of the peak moments of an entheogenic compound, a far greater sense of existential being is then programmed of perhaps even, imprinted?  Which is quite a topical catch word these days. Anyhooo... I do still say "imprinted" as the process requires no thought nor conceptualization and is dynamically interactive.  That comes later on, after touching down to earth as a kind of sacred remembrance.  Deeply rooted in the formlessness of the Source, mortal cognition abandons all boundaries and divisions betwixt this and that, yours and mine and such a state of being even shatters our cherished separation from God, through the duality of our collective, mortal religious worship. 

So the notion of oblivion arose in my thoughts today.  Of what special significance is the Medicine Journey oriented?  Through much reflection and intentional grounding, a message comes to the forefront and that is the message of Unity perceived within diversity.  Whether bathing within the bliss of spiritual Satori or suffering from the painful struggling which the isolated self believes is "reality"...  I have come to resonate with an understanding that the subtlest and truest nature of primary existence is essentially indivisible in nature and while it cannot possibly be known as an objectively concrete thing, it surely magikally creates, contains and re-absorbs all strata of this grand tapestry of life, recycling the energy and inertia back into an indivisible whole.  IME, 5-MeO-DMT reveals this shining truth with more power and limitless love, that any other known of molecule encountered by those who journey.   

I welcome any and all comments.  Wishing you each illumination on your intrepid journey home!  Namaste all.   _/|\_ _/|\_

There is no self to which I cling, for I am one with everything.


I agree with all of this, Rising Spirit. The things which have struck me in my repeated dissolutions into this unity are: the undeniable fact that that unity is truly real, and this dreamscape of duality is like a child's game of make believe - nothing is at stake and nothing can possibly be wrong. It is always clear from "there" that this is true and that it doesn't matter a whit if "I" remember that or believe it from here. And yet this little self persists in having preferences and even worries. So odd. Another thing which I never tire of is the blessed, glorious release from this cramped, tiny, trivial prison of self. Some say it is like dying - I have not died so I don't know, but being free of this hovel (as nondual teacher Francis Lucille has called it) is the greatest relief it is possible to have. This small and fussy self is not a real thing, it's a pattern of constriction imposed on the eternal infinite One. And the experience of freedom from that pattern is quite difficult to remember clearly once re-imprisoned in the hovel. Another message which is abundantly and emphatically conveyed to this self each time it reconstitutes itself out of the shining nondual Source is that this experience is not "mine". What I take to be "me" when not in unity with Source, is made of That (being as there is in reality nothing other than That), but the me is not God. The humility and reverence that overflows in me as I return from this communion with the All is profound, and I cringe when I sometimes see the experience mistranslated (IMO) as "I am God". All there is, is God, and yet this tiny self is not even a thing, and can no more contain or own the experience of the Divine Source of All, than a goldfish could contain the Pacific Ocean.
5-MeO-DMT is the profoundest sacrament. I am in eternal gratitude.

Rising Spirit

Quote from: seeker on January 16, 2023, 01:59:23 AMThe things which have struck me in my repeated dissolutions into this unity are: the undeniable fact that that unity is truly real, and this dreamscape of duality is like a child's game of make believe - nothing is at stake and nothing can possibly be wrong. It is always clear from "there" that this is true and that it doesn't matter a whit if "I" remember that or believe it from here. And yet this little self persists in having preferences and even worries. So odd. Another thing which I never tire of is the blessed, glorious release from this cramped, tiny, trivial prison of self.

Truly, this dreamscape we each experience is quite the 3-dimensional optical illusion.  That said, we are called to voyage beyond the beyondest of beyonds.  Yes, the totality is the only genuine reality and our challenge is to attune our conscious-awareness to the Source and harmonize our vibrations with all life forms and all unseen, insubstantial phenomena, as well.

QuoteSome say it is like dying - I have not died so I don't know, but being free of this hovel (as nondual teacher Francis Lucille has called it) is the greatest relief it is possible to have. This small and fussy self is not a real thing, it's a pattern of constriction imposed on the eternal infinite One. And the experience of freedom from that pattern is quite difficult to remember clearly once re-imprisoned in the hovel. Another message which is abundantly and emphatically conveyed to this self each time it reconstitutes itself out of the shining nondual Source is that this experience is not "mine". What I take to be "me" when not in unity with Source, is made of That (being as there is in reality nothing other than That), but the me is not God.

Aham Brahmasmi.  I am Brahman/God.  In an Adavaitic sense, the small I is wholly illusory, as all is the Divine quintessence expanding and contracting in a magnificently mesmerizing, enigmatic rhythm.  I drowned as a boy and experienced an OBE and witnessed the great Light...  but it was superficial compared to a near whiteout 5-MeO journey.

QuoteThe humility and reverence that overflows in me as I return from this communion with the All is profound, and I cringe when I sometimes see the experience mistranslated (IMO) as "I am God". All there is, is God, and yet this tiny self is not even a thing, and can no more contain or own the experience of the Divine Source of All, than a goldfish could contain the Pacific Ocean.5-MeO-DMT is the profoundest sacrament. I am in eternal gratitude.

Word.   _/|\_ _/|\_

There is no self to which I cling, for I am one with everything.