I believe the document really speaks for itself in regards to your question. This is an annonymous collective of practitioners who seem to wish to be of greater service to the community by providing these materials as a resource. Especially folks who may be dealing with things like choosing a practitioner or things to seriously consider before participating in this powerful sacrament on one's own in addition to some solid suggestions in regard to integration. All very important things to consider and these documents are very worth reviewing.
Hope that assists,
Quote from: nottwo on June 01, 2018, 05:31:19 AM
Just a quick question hopefully respectfully posed but trying to understand where you're coming from.
Why have you formed an organization to present this? I know there is a natural human need to form groups, societies, religions with a set creed and a sense of belonging but this process is so individual and those that partake have such a variety of motives, I'm not sure what you hope to achieve or how it will work.
Having said that, I do feel we are at a point in history where humanity as a whole leads such a meaningless existence whilst continuing towards the rapid destruction of the planet they inhabit that some new way of life urgently needs to appear and just possibly entheogens will have a part to play in that.