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Dear Rising Spirit :)

I feel a kinship with you

I study Advaita Vedanta through a beloved scolar of Ramana Maharshi. I was blessed to meet him last year (before my first 5MEO) and asked if he thought psychedelics could be helpful to go within : 'No', the teacher said.
But it was my prarabha to take 5MEO. I stayed with the memory of that powerfull experience  (where I sank at the bottom of myself - union) for a year before going back to him and exposing it, asking if it was true spirituality. 'No, it is not'. It was certainly disapointing and I still think he doesn't understand ! How arrogant!!

He said :
Drugs can only affect what appears in our awareness and whatever is experienced is nourrishing ego.
Drugs cannot drive the mind within only grace can.
Drugs can only lead to a state of 'manolaya', like sleep, wich has no spiritual benefit or lead to more experiences.
Only the mere awarness of I AM can dissolve ego, 'manonassa'.

I inhaled three increasing doses of 5 and tried to apply atma vichara with all my heart. With the first two doses, Ego experienced some sense of expansion and loosening until it got to the bottom of itself. The pure I thought. Light and love. The most striking experience was to be in that state and to try to think of my friends present in the room ; I could not hold that thought for long, I saw the I thought engulfing them, I became them, they became me without ceasing to exist. Union and bliss.
The third dose was strong enough to wipe out ego, gone, 'monalaya', sleep-like state, no recollection for a while. When ego came back, it was in some kind of 'fighting to survive mode', desperalty trying to cling to something outside, birthing itself through separation. Seeing my own arrogance, I felt compassion for myslef, asked for pardon to my friends and closed my eyes.

I was touched that you waited 5 years to share with words what is unspeakable. The answers given by the teacher helped me to see how attached I am to this experience of union. How I refer to it when I think about God. I feel you are too.

May we only be free :)
Science / Doctoral Dissertation Study on...
Last post by Cynthia - September 05, 2023, 01:49:08 PM
Hi all,

I am a Doctoral student at UAB needing participants for my dissertation study on experiences while on DMT and 5-MeO-DMT, specifically while VAPING them in the past 6 months.

Please click on this survey link and share this survey with anyone you know who may qualify. I need all of the help and participants that I can get! Thank you all

Introductions/Newbies / Introduction- HELLO!
Last post by Cynthia - September 05, 2023, 01:25:13 PM
Hello all,

My name is Cynthia. I am a graduate student working in the field of psychology, addiction, psychedelics, and general adult mental health.

I am primarily here looking for people to help out with my doctoral dissertation (trying to graduate on time, LOL). I am researching experiences after use of DMT, 5-MeO-DMT, and psilocybin in the past 6 months. I will post my study in the research forum but please give me a shout if you have any questions. Just trying to contribute to the current literature and psychedelic world as best as I can  :)

No judgement with the study, no negative agenda, just looking to document experiences.... and overall here to just ask for help.

Thank you for allowing me to be here.  <3  <3
The very first time that I smoked 5-MeO-DMT was just over five years ago.  Within seconds...  I experienced falling forwards into an immense void.  My capacity for any subjective perception dissolved into the sheerest emptiness imaginable.  Just moments before all differentiations whited-out, I was certain that I had killed myself.  Then all strata of reality became a silent, insubstantial vacuum of sorts, absorbing and erasing any iota of separation. 

Were there a self witnessing the dissolution, it might have been rather terrifying but all distinction betwixt the inside and the outside had vanished.  All there was, as I later recalled, was this boundaryless, directionless,  no-thingness.  It wasn't all inky blackness nor a blinding luminosity.  It was totally unknown and unknowable, ineffible yet all-pervasive.  This zero point is impossible to describe, naturally, as it is wholly nondual.  Yet, being a monkey...  I must chatter all about what cannot even be feasibly spoken of, nor ever put into language.   Lol. 🐒

I can't say how long this was an endlessly, beginningless, looping continuum...  as I was technically not even there.  Perhaps there is an absolute wealth of unborn potentiation, silently gestating within it's limitless formlessness?  That said and upon further remembrance, after what seemed an infinite degree of silence, a vibration began to be felt.  An oscillation ignited this epic cross friction.  An urge to exist, to be, to experience conscious-awareness incrementally seeded itself as a dawning realization of a dichotomy, a dynamic of self orientation re-crystallized. 

The vibration increased until is was distinctly audible.  But to whom?  The indivisibility of the nondual field began to divide and be divided into individualized cognition and a knowledge of existing.  That which perceives, became aware of that which is perceived.  The unborn was born anew and a powerful desire to exist began to pulse with increased urgency.  The "I" that had dissolved so quickly, re-coalesced into some kind of ancient, yet infantile urge to become.  To be rebirthed into duality. 

But why?  I don't suppose anyone will ever know.  Then there was suddenly a blinding white light exploding from everywhere and from no where.  "Let there be Light!".  Said luminosity manifested some kind of mirrored interplay between the Light itself and the witness to the effulgence.   The auditory vibration pulsed in sync with the rest of the boudaryless light field.  It hummed and crackled, echoing this roaring force, emanating from some unfathomable quietude. 

The newly reborn composite, I/me/myself, that became an individuated vortexial fulcrum, began tearing up.  I had been reborn, separate from the Oneness but deeply in love with the divinity of the whole.  Ego-self wept from the pain of the separation but delighted in the sincere worship of the Godhead.  I suspect that I was in such pure ecstasy for some good measure of time! 

I seemed to recall desiring to become.  Longing to love and be loved in return.  I was both the subject and the object, entwined in some cosmic, mysterious dance.  An understanding of my need to become sentient, bloomed from deeply inside of a mortal heart.  I had remembered now just why I had chosen to be born.  An immense need to create dimensionality resided within the universal pulse which was echoed in the beating of a human heart.  With every heartbeat, a dreaming self declared it's existential being.  I am.  I exist.  But do I really?  How can one be both, the Source and the reflection? 

A sudden remembrance popped up within the fabric of my mind, of having always being at the epicenter of all paradigms all at once and also, of being every little particle and photon riding the waves further away from the unbroken Omniscience...  thus, manifesting an eternity in the making.  Gratitude replaced the blissfulness of indivisibility and a tremendous feeling of wanting to do good service to all other dreaming selves.  I thank you all for arriving here, now.  Together we must heal ourselves and each other.   If love is the buzz and I believe that it surely is...  I emphatically love you all and fiercely so!  Aho, Namaste and Namaskar.

Preparation and Integration / Re: So You Want To Intramuscul...
Last post by Inquirer - August 19, 2023, 07:00:15 PM
I've found IM to be incredible as well. Great for both 5-Meo-DMT, DMT, and I'm sure other psychedelics too. Very underrated/misunderstood ROA.

Has a 5-MeO-DMT breakthrough dose using this method been clearly defined? I saw 10mg in this thread, but I've found that's not necessarily true if your goal is a full release. I suppose another factor at play would be which salt is used. I think HCL contains more 5-MeO-DMT per mg compared to fumarate.
Introductions/Newbies / Newbie intro, hello
Last post by Big Wheel - August 14, 2023, 10:35:08 AM
Hi all,

I found this forum through the Michael Pollan website, while looking for info.  I have no experience of 5-MeO-DMT at all, but I'm hoping to participate in a clinical study later this year.  The study is re. it's use for treatment resistant depression.

I would be grateful for any information out there re. it's use for TRD from anyone who may have used it for this purpose or participated in a clinical trial.  I've been invited for screening, so hopefully I will be accepted🤞.
👋 Big Wheel
Introductions/Newbies / Introduction 1st post
Last post by Starling3132 - August 09, 2023, 01:18:07 PM
Hello, so I've dabbled with this medicine for probably close to 20 years.

I've been a reader of forums many times over the years but have never made a post.

Definitely on the path of spiritual medicines. In the process of making some enhanced Leaf blend with the organic chemistry version of the toad medicine. I've reached some Hang-Ups and issues in my process and I'm seeking more professional help out there hopefully someone can help me.

About me, I work from home, I'm a researcher, expanding my consciousness, health and wellness, esoteric metaphysics and spirituality. Systems buster! Enjoying the great shift of Earth for all that it's worth. I seek to help other people open their mind and remember things.
Poetry and Art / Integration Collage
Last post by Joshr - July 28, 2023, 09:29:24 PM
Poetry and Art / First time poem
Last post by Joshr - July 28, 2023, 08:29:44 AM
In the quiet, a hum begins,
Low, high-pitched, throbbing,
A sci-fi echo, spreading,
A vibration on the edge of perception.

Movement, not through space,
But a transport, a falling,
Yet not down, but towards something,
An elusive somewhere.

The world, a sponge,
I, not growing, but spreading,
Like water soaking into fibers,
Barriers dissolving, boundaries fading.

Moments of terror, feelings of grace,
Artistic sensations, a creative embrace,
Experiencing the act of creation,
And the state of being created.

Connections between ideas emerge,
Apparent, obvious, yet novel,
Shared in dialogue, unexpectedly,
A web of thoughts, interwoven.

Laying down, everything shifts,
The world remains, yet different,
A sense of presence, embodied,
No person, yet an existence persists.
Introductions/Newbies / Introducing Self
Last post by Joshr - July 23, 2023, 01:30:51 PM
Hi all!

My 1st Journey is coming up in a few days. Reading up on others' experiences.