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Started by The Conclave, May 31, 2018, 06:15:15 PM

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The Conclave

The Conclave
Mission, Vision, Commitments & Agreements 
What Is the Conclave?  We are an anonymous collective of dedicated, caring, conscientious and compassionate practitioners who offer the sacrament of 5 MeO-DMT in a safe, sacred and responsible manner.

Our Mission:  The members of the Conclave are in service of the awakening of Source consciousness within humanity and we effectively support the needs of all those we serve in this emergent process.

Our Vision:  We envision a harmonious world of Beauty, Compassion, Peace, Tolerance, Truth & Love and honor the Sovereignty of the Human Spirit as an expression of Source.

Commitments & Agreements:

We are committed, dedicated, devoted and agree to:

  • Working within the awareness of the Unified Field
  • Recognizing the sovereignty of each individual within the Unified Field
  • The nurturance and wellbeing of all those we serve, and to the co-creation of safe, solid, sacred & secure containers for our Work
  • The safe, caring, compassionate, consensual and responsible guidance of the individual through their preparation, initiation and integration
  • Actively witness, support and hold space, in loving presence, for the absolute entirety of the individual's process of awakening
  • Ensure and maintain absolute privacy, confidentiality, discretion and respect in regard to the identities and specific personal processes of all those we serve, in addition to all those offering their service unless with their express permission
  • Continually developing ourselves and our practice through honing our skills for the benefit of all we serve; and the full empowerment of each individual in their own process of awakening
  • Support and challenge each other, as practitioners, in developing the highest quality and integrity of our service to All
  • Conscientiously receiving and giving feedback to our peers in this ongoing process of developing best practices and duty of care to best embody this shared vision
  • Embodying the fullest expression of the totality of Love
  • Surrender completely to the unfoldment of Divine Will and to remain detached from the fruits of our individual endeavors.


It is with great and humble honor that I stand with these principles and agreements. Who will stand with me?


Just a quick question hopefully respectfully posed but trying to understand where you're coming from.

Why have you formed an organization to present this? I know there is a natural human need to form groups, societies, religions with a set creed and a sense of belonging but this process is so individual and those that partake have such a variety of motives, I'm not sure what you hope to achieve or how it will work.

Having said that, I do feel we are at a point in history where humanity as a whole leads such a meaningless existence whilst continuing towards the rapid destruction of the planet they inhabit that some new way of life urgently needs to appear and just possibly entheogens will have a part to play in that.



I believe the document really speaks for itself in regards to your question. This is an annonymous collective of practitioners who seem to wish to be of greater service to the community by providing these materials as a resource. Especially folks who may be dealing with things like choosing a practitioner or things to seriously consider before participating in this powerful sacrament on one's own in addition to some solid suggestions in regard to integration. All very important things to consider and these documents are very worth reviewing.

Hope that assists,


Quote from: nottwo on June 01, 2018, 05:31:19 AM
Just a quick question hopefully respectfully posed but trying to understand where you're coming from.

Why have you formed an organization to present this? I know there is a natural human need to form groups, societies, religions with a set creed and a sense of belonging but this process is so individual and those that partake have such a variety of motives, I'm not sure what you hope to achieve or how it will work.

Having said that, I do feel we are at a point in history where humanity as a whole leads such a meaningless existence whilst continuing towards the rapid destruction of the planet they inhabit that some new way of life urgently needs to appear and just possibly entheogens will have a part to play in that.