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Started by Flux, January 09, 2018, 07:20:50 AM

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The overwhelming somatic aspect of the 5-MeO-DMT (and other psychedelic medicine) experience is something that I continue to attempt to understand in some way in order to harness, utilise and apply the experience and concept to everyday life somehow. So much focus is given to the psychological aspects of psychedelics and little to the kinetically sensory facets. As 5-MeO-DMT is unique in its targeting, aligning, clearing and releasing of what is often perceived as 'the energetic body' and exhibits time and time again a fury of energy either pouring through the physical bodily vessel or arising out of it, it seems to me only causal that many individuals would interpret their experiences through the concept of Kundalini (awakening or otherwise).

I hear the term Kundalini so often and used in many different ways and contexts, it can often seems like an ambiguous 'new-agey' marketing variation on other practices like Yoga, Tantra and the like. Yet nonetheless, I have visualised, felt and witnessed in others what appears to quite specifically be a rising of a serpentine like energy from the base of the spine (which is about as far as my knowledge and understanding of the phenomenon extends).

I would like to start this thread with some resources that may help to build a common framework for what Kundalini is in the context of the psychedelic experience, and of course particularly 5-MeO-DMT to subsequently gather knowledge about the intersection between the two. I therefore extend a welcome to forum members better versed, studied or practised in the Kundalini phenomenon, (its traditional/mythological origins, theoretical applications, and disciplinary devotions) to contribute to this understanding ...or for anyone to simply share any anecdotal experiences.

Kundalini Awakening Systems 1, Drugs & Kundalini

Psychedelic Drugs & Kundalini, by Donald J. DeGracia, Ph.D.

Psychedelics and Kundalini awakening,

Do Psychedelic Drugs Mimic Awakened Kundalini? Hallucinogen Survey Results, by Donald J. DeGracia, Council for Spiritual Practices,

Extended Kundalini Awakening LSD by Mahan Atma,

Insight Practices, Kundalini, and Psychedelics Safety, Dharma Overground,

Psychedelics and Kundalini Energy, Bluelight,

With Gracious Blessings,



Hi Flux,

This is an interesting topic, thanks for providing some further reading on this. I do think there is something to this kundalini stuff, and that the yogi's are on to something. I'm not claiming to have personal experience with it although I have experienced different facets of what I would consider my bioenergetic system. And it is this system as you point out that 5-MeO-DMT seems to work with, in a highly specific manner compared to other psychedelics. So I've long pondered a potential link between kundalini and 5-MeO-DMT. Also quite interesting to note that endogenous 5-MeO humans has been detected in cerebrospinal fluid, and textbook kundalini rising symptoms are the feeling of the energy moving up the spine (not claiming there is a connection, I just thought it was interesting). If there is a potential neurochemical link between the experience of kundalini and endogenous compounds, 5-MeO-DMT is an interesting potential candidate (given its profound potency compared to N,N-DMT).

I thought Indian yogi/mystic/writer Gopi Krishna's eloquent account of his full kundalini awakening experience sounded very familiar with respect to the 5-MeO experience:

"The illumination grew brighter and brighter, the roaring louder, I experienced a rocking sensation and then felt myself slipping out of my body, entirely enveloped in a halo of light. It is impossible to describe the experience accurately. I felt the point of consciousness that was myself growing wider surrounded by waves of light. It grew wider and wider, spreading outward while the body, normally the immediate object of its perception, appeared to have receded into the distance until I became entirely unconscious of it. I was now all consciousness without any outline, without any idea of corporeal appendage, without any feeling or sensation coming from the senses, immersed in a sea of light simultaneously conscious and aware at every point, spread out, as it were, in all directions without any barrier or material obstruction. I was no longer myself, or to be more accurate, no longer as I knew myself to be, a small point of awareness confined to a body, but instead was a vast circle of consciousness in which the body was but a point, bathed in light and in a state of exultation and happiness impossible to describe."

...sounds familiar, no? The experience of light, and waves of light, the loss of contact with the physical body, the experience of boundless, bodiless consciousness, a state of exultation and bliss...there a number of interesting overlaps with a full release/breakthrough dose of 5-MeO.

Now one thing you tend to hear from yogi's into kundalini yoga and other forms of yoga that work with this kundalini energy is that it takes a great deal of preparation and purification, and guidance is required in order for one to awaken their kundalini safely. An analogy sometimes used is that trying to awaken kundalini before one's system is ready for it is akin to try forcing far more voltage through a bulb than it can need to tune up the electrical circuitry with practices and under guidance so you don't get any short circuits with all that excess energy going into one's system. I'm not sure to what degree this is outdated dogma, and to what degree it is true and sage advice (I've heard a few believable accounts of people suffering side effects from practicing kundalini yoga and having to cease their practice so I think there may be something to this) would be good to have a yogi or two chime in here. But kundalini syndrome (the side effects of a kundalini awakening gone wrong) or symptoms like them rarely seem to be reported by 5-MeO I'm wondering if they are different even if they overlap to a fair degree.

It would be really interesting to hear from someone who practices kundalini or other forms of esoteric yoga for their perspective. This is the perspective of a Nexian who has experience with N,N-DMT, an NDE and kundalini yoga, and he felt there was a great deal of overlap between them:

"In my life so far I've had an NDE, smoked DMT, and also had brief insights through Kundalini yoga (which I had to stop), interestingly enough they were all very similar experiences with similar visuals, emotional states and thoughts."

Also this I believe is relevant here, the words of another Nexian who may be a member here, who had an accidental dose of 30mg 5-MeO-DMT via IV (being under the impression it was N,N-DMT). This induced a hybrid experience somewhere between a very heavy 5-MeO experience and a classical NDE. The relevant part here is the after effects he experienced:

"The after effects are one of the most striking things about it. I want to know why that happens. Is there some kind of metabolite; like nor-ibogaine that sticks around for a while active in the system? Or is it some kind of "subtle body" effect, ala kundalini, that although still un-measurable, unquestionably exists if it can be stimulated through a drug! I felt like I was "downloaded' upon coming down instantly with a knowledge of the 'technology' of yoga. The way and reason that pranayama, asanas, and mudras work in conjunction with one another to manipulate energies within the body to become a circuit for subtle energy. However, with no real practical knowledge, my experiments put me on the verge of insanity I felt and I had to stop. At one point, I regressed into the mind of a mouse along my ancestral line right after the extinction of the dinosaurs trying to figure out what to eat and how to survive. That was typical day in the weeks after the experience."

An interesting topic for sure...thanks for all the linked resources I'm going to check them out.  :)

Rising Spirit

Now this is quite a lovely thread to discover, here at the 5 Hive.  Kudos Flux, you've birthed a wonderful topic for tremendously significant discussion! My very first mystical experiences were triggered by LSD.  My own spontaneous Kundalini activation occurred in 1978, before I even knew conceptually speaking, what "the serpent energy" was about...  nor had I any knowledge of the chakras, astral planes or causal planes, let alone the state of Samadhi. 

But along the way, the association between Yogic, Tantric, Gnostic and Taoist practices further ignited the journey. As surely as dawn follows night, the activation of kundalini ignites exponential spiritual awakening, deeply within the soul resonance of the fearless conscious-awareness of the cultivated psychonaut (21st century Rishi/Shaman).  I offer a very deep bow.   _/|\_ _/|\_ _/|\_

There is no self to which I cling, for I am one with everything.

Rising Spirit

Quote from: BancopumaI do think there is something to this kundalini stuff, and that the yogi's are on to something. I'm not claiming to have personal experience with it although I have experienced different facets of what I would consider my bioenergetic system. And it is this system as you point out that 5-MeO-DMT seems to work with, in a highly specific manner compared to other psychedelics. So I've long pondered a potential link between kundalini and 5-MeO-DMT.
Myself being a 5-MeO-DMT virgin, I cannot say with any validity whether or not 5-MeO has a greater capacity to trigger the release of Kundalini.  I have, however, had the experience of full blown Kundalini activation triggered from:  LSD-25, mescaline, psilocybin and NN-DMT.  When I initially encountered "the serpent energy", back in 1978, I had no knowledge of the phenomenon, despite having practiced sitting meditation since 1975.  Through martial arts training, I had been introduced to Seon Buddhist meditation (Zen).  So, perhaps this influenced the release?  It was to occur on my 5th or 6th trip on acid...  and the effects changed my life permanently. 

Quote from: BancopumaI thought Indian yogi/mystic/writer Gopi Krishna's eloquent account of his full kundalini awakening experience sounded very familiar with respect to the 5-MeO experience:

"The illumination grew brighter and brighter, the roaring louder, I experienced a rocking sensation and then felt myself slipping out of my body, entirely enveloped in a halo of light. It is impossible to describe the experience accurately. I felt the point of consciousness that was myself growing wider surrounded by waves of light. It grew wider and wider, spreading outward while the body, normally the immediate object of its perception, appeared to have receded into the distance until I became entirely unconscious of it. I was now all consciousness without any outline, without any idea of corporeal appendage, without any feeling or sensation coming from the senses, immersed in a sea of light simultaneously conscious and aware at every point, spread out, as it were, in all directions without any barrier or material obstruction. I was no longer myself, or to be more accurate, no longer as I knew myself to be, a small point of awareness confined to a body, but instead was a vast circle of consciousness in which the body was but a point, bathed in light and in a state of exultation and happiness impossible to describe."

...sounds familiar, no? The experience of light, and waves of light, the loss of contact with the physical body, the experience of boundless, bodiless consciousness, a state of exultation and bliss...there a number of interesting overlaps with a full release/breakthrough dose of 5-MeO.
A wonderful book!  I highly recommend reading Gopi Krishna's epic book, Kundalini:  The Evolutionary Energy in Man.

Quote from: BancopumaNow one thing you tend to hear from yogi's into kundalini yoga and other forms of yoga that work with this kundalini energy is that it takes a great deal of preparation and purification, and guidance is required in order for one to awaken their kundalini safely. An analogy sometimes used is that trying to awaken kundalini before one's system is ready for it is akin to try forcing far more voltage through a bulb than it can need to tune up the electrical circuitry with practices and under guidance so you don't get any short circuits with all that excess energy going into one's system. I'm not sure to what degree this is outdated dogma, and to what degree it is true and sage advice (I've heard a few believable accounts of people suffering side effects from practicing kundalini yoga and having to cease their practice so I think there may be something to this) would be good to have a yogi or two chime in here. But kundalini syndrome (the side effects of a kundalini awakening gone wrong) or symptoms like them rarely seem to be reported by 5-MeO I'm wondering if they are different even if they overlap to a fair degree.

It would be really interesting to hear from someone who practices kundalini or other forms of esoteric yoga for their perspective.
Within days of my initial experience, I began to read Swami Paramahansa Yogananda's, Autobiography of A Yogi  I was initiated into the practice of Kriya Yoga in 1979 and began the gradual journey of Self Realization.  Kriya Yoga is essentially the science of Kundalini activation and the cultivation of an unwavering degree of concentration. 

Kundalini is studied through many branches of Yoga and Tantra.  Such pathways are incrementally developed methodology and great care is taken to prepare the nervous system and neurological functions to balance the explosive release of the life force coiled at the base of the spine. Purification of the sadhaka is a prerequisite but eventually, the activation is a geyser-like flood of energy, shooting up the spinal axis, where it reaches full bloom at the Sahasrara (the 7th chakra). 

When the seeker effectively enters Savikalpa Samadhi, the inner witness merges with the nondual state and the experience dissolves, albeit temporarily, the division between the relative and the absolute vanishes, perceptually.  Finite reality is revealed to be infinite reality and in such blinding effulgence...  the greatest ecstasy is birthed.  One so sweet, it vaporized the human ego.  Interphase with the undifferentiated realm of the Unified Field is perhaps the ultimate reason for human evolution. 

Namaste, All.   _/|\_
There is no self to which I cling, for I am one with everything.


Quote from: Rising Spirit on January 16, 2018, 09:51:35 AM
When the seeker effectively enters Savikalpa Samadhi, the inner witness merges with the nondual state and the experience dissolves, albeit temporarily, the division between the relative and the absolute vanishes, perceptually.  Finite reality is revealed to be infinite reality and in such blinding effulgence...  the greatest ecstasy is birthed.  One so sweet, it vaporized the human ego.  Interphase with the undifferentiated realm of the Unified Field is perhaps the ultimate reason for human evolution.

...this describes my life changing breakthrough Bufo/5-MeO-DMT experience from last year very well indeed! All the more intrigued to know what you will make of 5-MeO-DMT, Rising Spirit, given your extensive background with yoga and experience with such states...  :) _/|\_


Amazing thread! This coincides with this occult manuscript I have been looking over quite a bit recently...
Right click on the image and open in new tab or new window. Then you can zoom in and read it better. On the right side, you can see that it incorporates the serpent Kundalini awakening through all energy points in the body. It's a very information-dense manuscript, incorporating many different ideological systems and drawing many parallels.


Wow, thanks HV; what an information rich image - an on my phone so really can't get much from it- so will check it out in detail later. What is the name of the text ?

Rising Spirit

I'll second that!  From Leonardo's drawing of the vitruvian or cardinal man, Kabbalistic and Gnostic imagery, Vedic chakra system, Egyptian double helix...  wow, this is a fabulous map.  I'd love to see it more clearly.  Any links or a book title? 

This morning, when I went to Facebook, this image was the first one I saw.  Not as complex or sophisticated, but kind of pretty and synchronistic to this wonderful discussion.  Coincidence or Kismet?   _/|\_
There is no self to which I cling, for I am one with everything.


If you click on the image you should be able to download the full high quality version of the image so you can zoom in and read the details :D

Beautiful image you found Rising Spirit!

Rising Spirit

Hi Gang.

I wanted to rekindle this lovely thread, so as to share some of my personal experiences with psychedelics and the release of kundalini, "the serpent energy".  Furthermore, I would also like to shed light on the phenomenon itself, whether activated by entheogens or by traditional spiritual practices like:  meditation, breath work and shamanic ritual. 

I feel there is s great misnomer about kundalini and it's release.  It's not exactly an all-or-nothing phenomen, as many suggest, for every living creature with a spine has some degree of "activation", regardless of species.  I'll add that even mice have pineal glands and who can really say with any degree of authority, that only humanoids experience the release of this vertically rushing energy?  I'm not stating that there have been rodent Buddhas...  neither will I emphatically claim there has not been "enlightenment" in genus other than hominids.  I will assert that cetaceans like dolphins, porpoises and whales do have such propensities towards heightened states of conscious-awareness...  but that would be best suited for another thread?  Please reference John C. Lilly's brilliant book, Center of The Cyclone.

Without some modicum of familiarity with the yogic/tantric system of chakras, much of the nature of kundalini remains unfathomable to those who have yet to feel it's tremendous, geyser-like rise up the spinal axis.  In my own case, back in March of 1978, I had no knowledge of said chakras (vortexial wheels of spinning ethereal energy), each corresponding to specific organs or glands situated in the physical body, which manifest as states of mind and consciousness within the human organism.

I was tripping on LSD-25 with my roommates, way back during art school days, and around four o'clock in the morning we retired to our own rooms.  Philip and Jane were a couple, so they retreated to engage in sexual activity and myself, to sit in deep meditation, as I was hardly ready to fall asleep.  During the peak of the trip, I experienced a stirring sensation at the base of my spine, correlating to the rectal area.  As I spontaneously tightened the anus, I felt an oscillating pulsation of energy building up.  While I had been doing Zazen meditation for more than three years already, I had yet to research the yogic sciences.  So, this was wholly uncharted territory for me. 

The force released traveled upwards and the sensation was indeed, like a snake wiggling up the center of my spinal column.  What I later realized was that the serpentine "wiggling" was actually the intersection of the ida and pingala currents around the central column of the sushumna.  These twin polarities criss-cross at each chakra center and trigger activation of these vortices, as the force escalates it's geyser-like ascent to the higher regions of the cranium.  All I knew was that I felt each intersection as if I had become a helix of sorts, as depicted in ancient Egyptian artwork. 

When the surge had hit the ceiling, so to speak, the current spouted from the top of my crown like an ejaculation of sorts.  This was perceived as if a fountain had been turned on inside of my spine and cascaded above and beyond the confines of my material body.  All of the current seemed to center itself at about arms length over my head.  I gazed upwards, towards the fulcrum pulsing above myself.  I found myself awake and alert, ascending through intent alone, higher above the physical form of my human identity.  I heard various humming, rushing, ringing tones both within and outside of what I routinely experienced as the boundaries of myself.  I saw a blinding white light radiating from the top of my head and my third eye was the lens which viewed this tremendous effulgencence.  It seemed to dissolve my mind and silence all of my thoughts.  Where was I and what was happening to me?

I clearly recalled the time I had nearly drowned in our swimming pool, when I was 9 or 10 years old.  I had gotten tangled-up in the ropes around a styrofoam lifesaver and inhaled a good deal of pool water.  Thankfully, my stepfather pulled me out of the pool and pumped the water out of my lungs and gave me CPR.  I heard loud "pop" sound and found myself floating about ten or twelve feet above the drama unfolding beneath me.  Me?  Wasn't I the little boy clinging to life or was I the soul who existed before there ever was a baby me born?  Being a child, I hadn't a clue as to what was happening...  but I knew I had almost died.  In essence, I had returned to my ethereal body and was disconnected from my material shell.  Suffice it to say, I lived through the traumatic event but never again felt that I was merely a 3-dimensional mortal, for I had tasted the immortality of the spiritual, the realm of the soul.  I knew that one day I would again be free to take flight into the beyond.   _/|\_ _/|\_

Needless to say, peaking my brains out on acid was not exactly the same phenomenon but the sensation of transcendence was the same.  I slipped out of myself and desperately wanted to merge with the great light.  As I hovered overhead, I could hear this incredible rumbling sound.  It had a ringing overtone to it but it was an oscillation of sorts, which made itself heard as AUM.  Decades later, the carrier wave encountered with NN-DMT would take me even higher.  This tone vibrated in sync with my state of being and began to wash away my earthly identity.  For a few hours, I stayed in this deep trance state.  When the rushing force settled back downwards...  I was reacquainted with my ego-self and it's life drama.  Honestly, I was never quite the same. 

Currently, after forty years of training in Kriya Yoga, as well as other systems like:  Surat Shabd Yoga, Sufism, internal Taoist practices and Zen, it's clear that one's ability to silence the mind, shift one's attention and move by sheer intent alone, beyond the restraints of dualistic perceptions and the consequences of dreaming...  results in a fullness with sweetest emptiness, thereby fusing the mind's heart with an incredible self-erasing force (like a moth to the flame).

Ideally the intensity is far more grounded and truthfully, less powerful.  In theory, within my routine spiritual sadhana there is no outside catalist nor external trigger but when I do engage in entheogenic voyages, the powerful geyser-like rise in kundalini is much the same as ever.  My very first NN-DMT journey blew the proverbial door off the hinges, to such an immense degree, I assumed I was never coming back!!!  I did return, but of course and I am grateful to have the chance to become a better person.

The second to last ritual I partook of with psilocybin mushrooms, was much the same.  Instead of sitting in padmasana or "lotus posture", I lay flat on my back in savasana or "corpse posture".  My physicall body felt particularly electrocuted from the flood release of potent current and it was only through breathing consciously and methodically, that I gradually centered into a tranquil state of mind and ease of body.  Initially, my prone body was actually pulsating and practically bouncing off of my bed!  I felt almost like a strip of bacon in a frying pan!  Eventually, I let go of control and things balanced to a far greater harmony.  Ahhh...  sweet release.

Being ripped apart between the juxtaposition of the physical and astral bodies can be both foolhardy and quite dangerous, psychically speaking.  Had it not been the intervening of my highest spiritual Master, I may have been damaged terribly.  Who can really ever know?  Suffice it to say, full kundalini activation is hard on the neurological system and if the nadis are not cleansed thoroughly enough, over a prolonged period of regular training, all hell can break loose.  Nadis are the subtle channels in which the kundalini flows.  Kind of like psychic nerve conduits, as conceived of within the philosophy of yoga and tantra. 

In my daily practices, the incremental cultivation of this serpent energy is a very, very looooooong attunement, not a sudden geyser coming out of nowhere.  But I suspect when the groundwork is prepared thoroughly enough... the release could well be just as intense.  Would anyone care to share any of their own kundallni experiences on either NN-DMT or more importantly, with 5-MeO-DMT? 

It is noteworthy that James Oroc, the author of Tryptamine Palace, clearly states that NN-DMT opens up the ajna or 6th chakra (third eye) and 5-MeO the sahasrara or 7th chakra (the "thousand petaled lotus abloom way high up within the crown).  Being a 5-MeO virgin, I cannot add any insight here about the mighty 5 but any of the major psychedelics trigger both and more, in my own experiences.  Hari Om Tat Sat.

Ciao.  Have a wonderful day or night, my friends.  <3
There is no self to which I cling, for I am one with everything.


I got kundalini syndrome from it. 30+ times used. Didn't respect it enough. Flew too close to the sun and now I'm burnt. There's 4 distinct blockages of energy in my body that I cannot release. (2 in both feet, 2 in both knees) I've got almost no sleep for 3 months. I'm always cold. My skin has aged 10 years in three months. I'm depressed as hell. Tried everything to fix it and nothing's working. Losing hope, might just call it a day.

Please oh please, when you feel after a 5-MeO experience that there is energy still hanging around, give your body time to process it. Don't go chasing after the energy.


Quote from: JO_neness on March 26, 2018, 12:42:01 PM
I got kundalini syndrome from it. 30+ times used. Didn't respect it enough. Flew too close to the sun and now I'm burnt. There's 4 distinct blockages of energy in my body that I cannot release. (2 in both feet, 2 in both knees) I've got almost no sleep for 3 months. I'm always cold. My skin has aged 10 years in three months. I'm depressed as hell. Tried everything to fix it and nothing's working. Losing hope, might just call it a day.

Please oh please, when you feel after a 5-MeO experience that there is energy still hanging around, give your body time to process it. Don't go chasing after the energy.

Hey there JO_neness, if you are interested, would you want to start your own thread to track your process with this? Perhaps start one in the experiences section and then we can track your integration progress and support you all in one place. This would also be really helpful to others who may be experiencing something similar in the future.

We're here for you and we're glad you reached out for support.

Rising Spirit

Quote from: JO_neness
I got kundalini syndrome from it. 30+ times used.
The often overwhelming release of the Kundalini is essentially, one's own life force itself, moving the fulcrum of conscious-awareness witnessed within the visions of both the psychonautical voyager or esoteric mystic, back up to the initial source, the Godhead.  I feel that Kundalini is not a syndrome or a malady.  Lack of buoyancy, confidence, self-control or basic fearful human resistance...  these may well indeed be a syndrome of sorts?

That being said, if integration is not cultivated and proper groundwork worked through, the symptoms you describe can occur.  You'd find Gopi Krishna's book an insightful read.  My small advice is to spend further time laying said groundwork, even if you are suffering from having moved too high, too quickly.  Healing is a natural, incremental process and each step you take towards a greater harmony with the universal force, the closer you will come to finding balance and peace of mind.  Try to find your center within your own spiritual heart. <3

Quote from: JO_nenessDidn't respect it enough. Flew too close to the sun and now I'm burnt. There's 4 distinct blockages of energy in my body that I cannot release. (2 in both feet, 2 in both knees) I've got almost no sleep for 3 months. I'm always cold. My skin has aged 10 years in three months. I'm depressed as hell. Tried everything to fix it and nothing's working. Losing hope, might just call it a day.
Again, the more effort you expend working on a gradual building-up of the natural flow and rise of the serpent energy...  the sweeter the experiences will get.  Consider this mega-overwhelming stage you are experiencing a gift.  An overpowering one but ultimately, a blessing.  The BIG issue here is the ceremonial way and the rapid speed at which you have achieved full activation.  Also, I suspect that you've gone to the well too often, without the required purification.  Who hasn't at one point in the journey?  Along with respect for the Medicine it's necessary to respect for the hidden energies within your own neurological system.

I personally feel that the true value of any psychedelic experience is how one both grounds and integrates this unlimited power into simple, everyday living.  You desperately need to do an ego check and be prepared to do some serious work.  Please don't, "call it a day".  Please be patient with yourself and the awakening rush of psychic energies.  Often times, when we boldly open Pandora's Box, the lid gets blown off with sometimes damaging results.  But you will heal.  Keep the faith.  Hold onto the light.  You ought to ease back on your usage and that's an understatement!   

Quote from: JO_nenessPlease oh please, when you feel after a 5-MeO experience that there is energy still hanging around, give your body time to process it. Don't go chasing after the energy.
Wise advice and I'd add that you, I, each of us...  needs to recall the lessons learned and deeply ingrained, at the very appex of the peak experiences.  Surely there was medicine guidance and spiritual teaching conveyed, in those 30+ times, yes?  What might help you most is to train yourself to consciously enter into meditative states and perhaps even more importantly, add physical balancing into your life.  Hatha Yoga, Tai Chi Chuan or Qigong would be most beneficial for your predicament.  Exercise more and worry less, my friend.   _/|\_
There is no self to which I cling, for I am one with everything.


Really great advice from Rising Spirit here.

Rising Spirit

HumbleVoyager, I am most humbled myself, that you even feel my verbose ramblings are of some value and worth.  I fully realize that never having been graced by 5-MeO-DMT...  much of what I express is subject to valid criticism.  But ever the hopeful optimist, I await the anointment with this great teacher and highest spiritual guide.

Also, I sincerely hope I did not come off as a total downer to JO_neness, seemingly being critical or preachy.  I truly care about this person's dilemma.  Still, when the planets align, the proverbial doors all fly off the hinges and the moment is absolutely right, the Divine pulls us into the undifferentiated state, the indivisible core, the insubstantial source of our very own selves...  and destroys our ignorance and sense of limitation and ultimately, separation from everything else within this web of being. 

I pray our friend learns the way to balance the onset of the energy.  Let's all share some empathy and compassion for our new family member.  Love, light and purest intent to you, dearest JO_neness.   <3 <3 <3

There is no self to which I cling, for I am one with everything.