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Messages - Rising Spirit

Quote from: Maharani on February 03, 2025, 09:48:09 AMThank you! :)

Have you had a chance to interphase with the molecule since your 12th experience related on this forum?
No I haven't.  I've spent a good stretch grounding and integrating the immensity of the experiences.  My supply is exhausted now, as it was sent from Europe by a wonderful soul who helped procure it for me.  Were I living in Canada, it would be possible to purchase legally but here in the USA...  acquisition is an underground, insiders privilege.  I attempted to legally buy 5-MeO-MALT but the chemical company required proof of legitimate scientific research.  I am not a scientist, nor associated with any university's experimentation. 

I have imbibed golden teachers and penis envy psilocybin mushrooms, as my circle of friends are involved with that sacrament.   And it's def not the same anymore.  It has taken on a different character in my recent journies.  It's much more like 5 than before.  Still visually kaleidoscopic but shifting into the nondual state has become easier and more enriching.  By the grace of God go I.  _/|\_
Maharani, I checked out your sonic masterpiece, Vortexial Fulcum, and it kinda triggered a reactivation!  Very, very fine musical/experiential shift in consciousness.  Bravissimo!  🙏✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️
Why thank you for the nice compliment.  And I will definitely check out your music.  Ultimately, anything we say about the 5 journey, from this side of the looking glass, falls quite shy of precise quantification. Still, we carry on objectifying the sheer ineffibility of it all.  I feel that whiteout and breakthrough are rather synonymous descriptives.

In my own personal semantics, there is a world of difference between a whiteout and a blackout experience (or the void of any experience).  Sure, the word "out" may be inappropriate.  Perhaps white-in is more relavent?  As while there is a complete cessation of perceived duality, there is indeed an experience, however ineffible and nonlinear in nature.  Decades of meditation attest to to such thoughtless awareness.  _/|\_ 
Donate / Re: How to donate?
December 16, 2024, 03:48:37 PM
I think that this is a much needed feature towards helping  continue this incredible site.  Obviously, holiday season upon us and this is not the optimum time to ask for support, but we honestly need a little help.

So just as soon as we get a little bit past this festive time of the month, I intend on making a donation.  I'm not wealthy by any means, but every little bit combines to make a huge difference.  Preferably, through PayPal.  If members contribute even a small donation, collectively we can keep this wonderful resource running smoothly and issue-free for the foreseeable future. 

Happy Holidays to you and yours.  _/|\_
Introductions/Newbies / Re: New here
December 09, 2024, 07:45:33 AM
Greetings, Realmstill and welcome aboard.  I apologize for the gap in responding to your introduction, but we've  had some technical issues and problems with bots, so the site was shut down for a spell.  Please feel free to browse in depth, through the experience forums, as there is a wealth of valuable knowledge therein.  _/|\_
Atman is Brahman.  _/|\_
Introductions/Newbies / Re: hello everyone!
December 26, 2023, 12:54:38 PM
Hare Krishna.   _/|\_
Quote from: Frog on December 20, 2023, 07:04:33 AMThank you for your comment Rising Spirit !
Thank you for joining the 5 Hive.  Happiest Holidays to you and yours.   _/|\_
Quote from: frog"After the second dose, which could be described as a release of tension, I take the last dose of 10 mg.
Immediately, when my head hit the pillow, there was an explosion of light and a rapid expansion towards the cosmos!
Blast off.
A powerful and irresistible energy, in which I agree to let myself be carried away, overwhelmed.
I did not offer resistance. Anyway, is it possible to resist this tsunami? The room and its occupants disappeared.
I was only aware of my breathing.
I think I was this expanding light.
It was a moment of bliss that I could also describe as ecstasy, euphoria or cosmic orgasm!
Letting go was liberating and the immersion in this powerful light extended into the cosmos.
I felt that I was that light.
No thoughts, no fear, no memory, nothing, just ecstasy!
With each exhalation I heard myself say Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh
of wonder, of astonishment!

How can i describe this light, this space? I still wonder.

I was not afraid of dying, nor felt that I was dead. There were no concept of god either. This light was benevolent .
Frankly I don't feel that I've experienced an ego dissolution.  Or could this happen without pain ?                                                               

At the end of the ceremony, I had the impression of having lived a cosmic trip, and it was the most intense, special, astonishing, beneficial and liberating experience of my life.
I have never experienced anything like this."

Just beautiful.  I humbly submit that you have indeed experienced ego dissolution.  Granted, there are degrees of ego dissolution but tasting the ecstasy of the undifferentiated light demands both surrender and a kind of soulful receptivity.  I am overjoyed that your inaugural voyages were so powerful.
 Aho, Namaste and Namaskar.   _/|\_  _/|\_ 
Quote from: Frog on December 17, 2023, 10:20:47 AMHello to all!

I guest that those 5 stages are dose dependant,and that they portrait a full experience.

''Yet, are we returned the same as before the intrepid voyage was initiated?  Hardly. ''

I think that we return at least a bit different with a shallow experience and a lot with a deep one.

The days following my initiation ,i noticed that my mental state was calm and at peace.
Also my patience and tolerance had improved.

Thank you for responding.  Regardless of dosage, set or setting...  I feel that the five stages are most pertinent and exist as a kind of psycho-spiritual template.  Naturally, stages #1. and #5. are only present in mindful, psychonautical pilgrims who choose to hone their intention prior to transcendence and a willingness to ground the divine epiphanies and direct attention to integration and steady buoyancy within the fabric of ordinary consensus reality.   
Greetings all, I'd really like to begin a qualitative discussion about what might be considered the five key stages of the 5-MeO-DMT experience.  Obviously, one could feasibly imagine hundreds if not thousands of stages of consciousness, with an interphase with a molecule of this force, majesty and immensity.  But I humbly believe that much of these nearly infinite, possibilities in cognitive awareness can be universally encapsulated into a reasonable, finite number and besides...  I honestly couldn't resist the numeric reference to the 5 medicine.  Everyone would likely reason them to their own preferences and name them accordingly. I humbly feel that these are the 5 primary stages that occur to the 5 pilgrim:

#1. Anointment through Ceremony.  #2. Surrender & Absorption.  #3. Union & Attunement with Source.  #4. Re-crystallization & Rebirth.  #5. Healing & Integration.

Arguably, this is a gross simplification and could certainly be expanded further.  And please, I welcome any and all comments or contributions to this discussion, as ideally it is a conversation.  One with input from other psychonautical travelers within this family.  Feel free to share your ideas.   

While it only seems to have relevance on this side of the looking glass, where one can interpret reality subjectively, there exists a profound degree of what I call, "the remembrance" by all who boldly journey with the 5 sacrament. Perhaps we could view the 5-MeO experience as a perceptual voyage beyond the membrane dividing the inside and the outside, the substantial and the insubstantial, the cause and the personal effect of being both the source and the reflection of what I personally label as, The Divine.  That eternal no-thingness pulsing within all that becomes something.  More so, it is my belief, in the hindsight of my 12 experiences with this medicine, paradox is present both during the culmination and the re-entry phase of the trip. 

Said paradox creates a most unusual and unique experiential pendulum of sorts, as when the individual soul enters the realm of the nondual, boundaryless expanse of undifferentiated, blinding white light energy, all personal thought ceases to exist.   There is an alignment that happens. I  label this as, "the eclipsing" for as a massive force of expanssive energy rushes through us, temporarily shattering our unique cocoons of self mesmerism, all individuation effectively dissipates.  This then, in effect, blocks out our experience of being a separate part, independent of the whole totality of life.  Our mortal vantage point is temporarily obliterated, totally frozen and unreachable...  or is it merely suspended? 

Now regardless of this self-stasis, there is maintained on one level or another, an epicentrical core presence.  I theorize that this absolute Source energy,  weaves a cosmic tapestry, spontaneously fueling the dichotomy of manifested being and the sheerest void of non-being.  And is wholly indivisible, ineffible, unquantifiable and the sum total of the mysterious Omniverse, just doing it's thing. Dissolving into a such a vortexial fulcrum consumes all of our personal reference points and even the palpable identification with our very own sense of self.  Empty, unmoving silence sits quietly, deep within the ringing vibration of each birthing human soul bird, who reaches out fearlessly, uttering voice and taking spiritual flight within the neon effulgence...  the supreme light of all lights.  Much as the proverbial, "moth to the flame".

So, in light of these paradoxical fluctuations in subjectification, each of us recrystallizes right back into finite, three dimensional existence. Yet, are we returned the same as before the intrepid voyage was initiated?  Hardly.  Much reflection and integration are required to find balance and proper buoyancy within consensus reality and the delicate interplay between oneself and others.  I have myself, felt a far stronger bond with all living things.  It's certainly a rebirthing process, which can be both a blessing and sometimes a curse.  How so?  I can only testify as to my own 12 journeys, but within the timeless, directionless vacuum of the peak moments, an almost indescribable bliss is present and an awareness of love as a unitive field.  Coming down from such heights can be most daunting.  Even heartbreaking, in some not so subtle ways. 

Who is it that knows such euphoric ecstasy?  Again, the ultimate paradox presents itself loud and clear.  Without awareness of an ego, self referencing or even self orientation...  who/what/where is it that resides in such resplendent freedom, radiating an absolutely undiluted state of universality? Naturally, out of this formless Omniscience, pours myriad streams of life, sacred geometries and an infinite potential of substantiation, creation and eventual dissolution.

Might we exchange thoughts about this kind blowing and transformative sacred medicine and it's profound impact in our lives?  Many thanks! 
Aho, Namaste and Namaskar.    _/|\_  _/|\_         
Poetry and Art / Re: Integration Collage
November 14, 2023, 12:34:10 PM
Awesomeness.   8)
Introductions/Newbies / Re: My introduction
October 03, 2023, 08:48:31 PM
God speed, Eddie.  Surrender and faith are key to direct immersion and the erasure of layers upon layers of self-identification.  The whole universe suddenly  implodes and dissolves into a blinding neon whiteness.  Still,  an unborn yet ancient essence blooms anew, as a wholly unique, most spiritual rebirthing of oneself, blooming as the sacred dreamer.  _/|\_  _/|\_   
Spirituality / Medicine & Mysticism
September 10, 2023, 10:29:19 PM
In regards to the tremendous shift in one's consciousness brought about by ceremony with the sacred 5 molecule, I humbly submit that any attempt to articulate the dissolution of one's ordinary modality of self mesmerizm, is effectively shattered into so much cosmic dust. It might be speculative on my part, but when one's illusions are washed away with such potent force...  who then remains to maintain any iota of cognitive, subjective attention?  I'd add that during every single one of my nondual epiphanies, there occurs a certain degree of total white out.  What happens is not exactly a completely blank canvas, dead voidness, nor a state of helpless comatose.  Rather, without thought process or identity through self-orientation, by what measure does one fathom the unfathomable?  It would be sheer insanity to proclaim that without rational thought, premeditated determination or habitual intention, for any strata of self awareness to survive the wholly dissolving fulcrum of attunement to pure Source omniscience, that the 5 medicine reliably gifts.

What does come through so beautifully and so divinely intended, is that while during the full-eclipsing with the sacred white vacuum of limitless infinity, that insubstancial, yet magnificently effulgent power, there is both soul recognition and deep spiritual resonance. I call it the remembrance.  Minds are frozen by the overwhelming and unbridled force of the 5 molecule. Identification with our accustomed storylines are essentially, temporarily erased yet, something mysteriously wonderful still pulses sublimely, without name, dimension nor any form.  A profound symbiosis occurs to those accustomed to long periods of time without fixation upon thoughts and one's internal dialog.  This is primarily why I so enthusiastically emphasize the magical practice of daily sitting and moving meditation.  Existence is relative to one's mindset and to the programmed patterning of our unique, experientially learned behavior.  Freeze that pattern and conscious-awareness still resides and perception, while it may lack perceivable orientation, voyages on through our willing surrender of control and habitual need for finite quantification...  but still maintains buoyancy through the miracle of focussed attention.

Ultimately, I surmise that in such a buoyant ego stasis, one erasing of self projection and maintenance of concrete reality, a most lovely state of attunement and receptivity blooms.  Within such a vortexial fulcrum of no-thingness...  what appears to be absolute emptiness is essentially a force of limitless potentiality, a beginningless and endless recycling of becoming and in turn, dissolving into sheerest oblivion.  Such is the dualistic nature of 3 dimensional, material existence, as it is birthed, rippens and eventually dissipates back into undifferentiated formlessness. What does remain if everything is so utterly transient?  I hypothesize that pure Source energy resides within all strata of phenomenal occurrences and all degrees of existential being.  Call it the Godhead or the eternal Tao or the Great Spirit...  yet it matters little.  What does emphatically matter, is attunement to this Source energy and a remembrance of always having been indivisibly one with this miraculous field of absolute potentiality, endlessly blooming, ad infinitum.

And then...  out sheerest emptiness explodes luminosity beyond description.  Let there be Light!  There was an overwhelmingly immense, blinding illumination and radiance..  Flooding, cascading, revitalizing effulgence emerges to bring a spark and enlightening vibration of intuitive understanding and then, divine transmission awakens the soul bird to take immortal flight.  Herein, is the sacred treasure, the very kernel of philosophy and of all religions.  As Hermes Trismegistus said so profoundly, nearly 3000 years ago, "As above, so bellow.  As within, so without.  As the universe, so the soul."  Unity is the only law which endures.  We are one and I honor you all with fierce yet loving reverence.  Aho, Namaste and Namaskar.    _/|\_  _/|\_