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General Discussion / Re: Whiteout Experiences From ...
Last post by Rising Spirit - February 04, 2025, 08:22:59 AM
Quote from: Maharani on February 03, 2025, 09:48:09 AMThank you! :)

Have you had a chance to interphase with the molecule since your 12th experience related on this forum?
No I haven't.  I've spent a good stretch grounding and integrating the immensity of the experiences.  My supply is exhausted now, as it was sent from Europe by a wonderful soul who helped procure it for me.  Were I living in Canada, it would be possible to purchase legally but here in the USA...  acquisition is an underground, insiders privilege.  I attempted to legally buy 5-MeO-MALT but the chemical company required proof of legitimate scientific research.  I am not a scientist, nor associated with any university's experimentation. 

I have imbibed golden teachers and penis envy psilocybin mushrooms, as my circle of friends are involved with that sacrament.   And it's def not the same anymore.  It has taken on a different character in my recent journies.  It's much more like 5 than before.  Still visually kaleidoscopic but shifting into the nondual state has become easier and more enriching.  By the grace of God go I.  _/|\_
General Discussion / Re: Whiteout Experiences From ...
Last post by Maharani - February 03, 2025, 09:48:09 AM
Thank you! :)

Have you had a chance to interphase with the molecule since your 12th experience related on this forum?
General Discussion / Re: Whiteout Experiences From ...
Last post by Rising Spirit - February 01, 2025, 07:51:56 PM
Maharani, I checked out your sonic masterpiece, Vortexial Fulcum, and it kinda triggered a reactivation!  Very, very fine musical/experiential shift in consciousness.  Bravissimo!  🙏✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️
Not my own trip report, but one of my favourites that I really felt like sharing.

From Erowid, posted by Teafærie on November 6th, 2007.

I belong to a psychedelics club that ideally meets on the last Saturday of every month to try out some sort of novel combination or explore old favorites as a group. Over the years (at least the last three) we have developed the pleasant habit of doing 5-MeO-DMT pop-ups together at the end of our psychedelic sessions and I want to share my experience because I think that it is something more people might enjoy integrating into their practice.

No accurate dosage has been recorded as it is our scientifically dubious habit to keep a perpetually loaded crackpipe around the house, adding more material now and again whenever it doesn't seem to be hitting very well anymore. When it gets to be that time (typically dawnish) we all gather around someplace soft an cozy for DMTeatime. It seems to work best when everyone is almost entirely down from whatever it was that took us but we're still feeling slightly expanded and open. Sometimes we roll a joint and lace it with about a matchhead's worth of 5-MeO-DMT, other times we just break out the little glass vaporizer and pass it around. Each person takes one hit. Depending on the whim of the moment and the desired effect this can be a ceremonial puff or a big old long lung filling toke, with the general tendency falling somewhere in between.

When we do 5-MeO-DMT with intention for realsies we are always silent until the Experient re-emerges, but this method does not produce the full-fledged experience and we often continue to joke and chat in a mellow and low key way while all of this is going on. Occasionally the person who has just passed the pipe will lean back for a minute or two in a warm fog of psychedelic rapture, but for the most part we remain aware of our surroundings and are able to see and hear, cuddle, sip tea and participate in what passes for witty banter at five in the morning on drugs. The 5-MeO-DMT seems somehow to wrap up our individual and collective trips for the night, summing them up in a gestalt or a series of gestalts. It also ties all of our club meetings together, as 5-MeO-DMT space is somewhat atemporal at least for me, and I can feel myself and my friends every time that we have done 5-MeO-DMT together in the past and -tantalizing but hard to grasp at- when we will do it again in the future. It also serves to synergize group energy, especially when we manage to pass the pipe fast enough that we're all experiencing some part of the rush at the same time. I encourage anyone who is interested in group telepathy research to look into this effect.

We have tried this so far with mushrooms, MDMA, LSD, ayahauscha, mescaline, 5-MeO-DiPT, 2C-I, AMT and a few other more obscure drugs and combinations of drugs. Be cautious if you might still be tripping harder than you think, as this can bring whatever you're on right back up if it's not really settled all the way down. (mostly a feature, occasionally a bug) I love to combine 5-MeO-DMT with MDMA because the ecstasy gets rid of the background anxiety that is always present when I contemplate another visit to he Great and Only - however it should be remembered that E can make 5-MeO-DMT stronger and longer as well as more telepathic. This is true even at the pop-up level. Try a tiny taster puff and see where it gets you, then work your way up to more. After about half an hour it sort of stops working which is probably for the best. I myself am a total Mystery whore and I would keep on going right back there as long as there was something in the pipe if it were otherwise.

The Last Saturdays Club is a fine institution and one that we would like to see spread. There is a comforting sense of solidarity in the idea that there are other little groups out there exploring the Mystery and I believe that the collective un-sub-super conscious/resonance field/noosphere is brightened up for everybody when a bunch of smart cool people are tripping at the same time and we can all pull a little bit more bandwidth when we work together. I hereby declare the last Saturday of every month International Let's All Take Some Psychedelics And Try To Figure This Thing Out Day. Start up your own chapter right away and we'll meet you in Hyperspace!

P.S. I have seen the same thing done with NN DMT. Some kids in the back of the Teahouse at the [gathering name deleted] were doing up what they called 'deemsters' at the end of a trip. I was coming down from mushrooms and E and I intentionally underdosed so I can't really speak for it. Apparently it's a thing amongst [deleted] gutterpunks. Some said that it's a good way to ease into NN if you're afraid to try it at full strength. I agree, but I would start with tasters when I was sober if I'd never been there before.


the Teafærie
General Discussion / Re: Whiteout Experiences From ...
Last post by Rising Spirit - January 26, 2025, 02:19:36 PM
Why thank you for the nice compliment.  And I will definitely check out your music.  Ultimately, anything we say about the 5 journey, from this side of the looking glass, falls quite shy of precise quantification. Still, we carry on objectifying the sheer ineffibility of it all.  I feel that whiteout and breakthrough are rather synonymous descriptives.

In my own personal semantics, there is a world of difference between a whiteout and a blackout experience (or the void of any experience).  Sure, the word "out" may be inappropriate.  Perhaps white-in is more relavent?  As while there is a complete cessation of perceived duality, there is indeed an experience, however ineffible and nonlinear in nature.  Decades of meditation attest to to such thoughtless awareness.  _/|\_ 
General Discussion / Re: Whiteout Experiences From ...
Last post by Maharani - January 24, 2025, 09:55:13 AM
I would like two voice two thoughts:

I've more commonly seen the phrase "whiteout experience" be used for non-experiences, which is what many novices (myself included) report: I inhaled, then 15 minutes later returned to my body with no memory of anything having happened, asking my facilitator if I had truly been gone (which she affirmed). What you describe I more commonly see labeled as a "breakthrough experience", where the experience may entail all-whiteness, but at least there is still... experience.

Secondly, your beautiful poetry about these experiences inspired me to title a musical piece of mine "Vortexial Fulcrum". It may be heard here (and is a continuation of the preceding piece, "Feedback Healing").

Namaste :)
Donate / Re: How to donate?
Last post by Handshake - December 17, 2024, 06:14:30 AM
Thank you very much!

For reference, our upcoming server fee in January will be about $300, which will cover costs until January 2027.

Any additional donations will go towards ongoing upkeep, moderation, and upgrade of the forums.

_/|\_  <3  _/|\_
Donate / Re: How to donate?
Last post by Rising Spirit - December 16, 2024, 03:48:37 PM
I think that this is a much needed feature towards helping  continue this incredible site.  Obviously, holiday season upon us and this is not the optimum time to ask for support, but we honestly need a little help.

So just as soon as we get a little bit past this festive time of the month, I intend on making a donation.  I'm not wealthy by any means, but every little bit combines to make a huge difference.  Preferably, through PayPal.  If members contribute even a small donation, collectively we can keep this wonderful resource running smoothly and issue-free for the foreseeable future. 

Happy Holidays to you and yours.  _/|\_
Donate / How to donate?
Last post by Handshake - December 16, 2024, 09:43:09 AM
You may donate via bitcoin using the attached QR code here:

You can also pay with cash using CashApp:$Handshake5Hive
Introductions/Newbies / Re: New here
Last post by Rising Spirit - December 09, 2024, 07:45:33 AM
Greetings, Realmstill and welcome aboard.  I apologize for the gap in responding to your introduction, but we've  had some technical issues and problems with bots, so the site was shut down for a spell.  Please feel free to browse in depth, through the experience forums, as there is a wealth of valuable knowledge therein.  _/|\_