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Preparation and Integration / Re: So You Want To Intramuscul...
Last post by epsilon127 - June 27, 2024, 10:26:12 PM
How do you store the vial? Mine lost potency after a few weeks. I stored it in the fridge. Was that a mistake? Does it need room temperature or the freezer? Does the type of salt, i.e. fumerate vs HCl etc, matter?
Introductions/Newbies / Intro
Last post by rowroux - June 04, 2024, 05:01:49 PM
I'm a low-key psychonaut; always looking for info and answers. Just listened to Rafael's episode on Psychedelics Today podcast and had to come on over. I had transformative experiences w/ LSD and psilocybin mushrooms beginning 28 years ago, but haven't ever had the opportunity to experience any kind of DMT. I'm a newer LPC in CO. THANK YOU!
Introductions/Newbies / Re: Please help - reactivation...
Last post by Inquirer - May 03, 2024, 08:15:30 PM
Near the beginning of my 5-MeO-DMT use, I had an intense 1-week period of reactivations that was very difficult to deal with. Like your brother, it was more or less continuous where I'd have symptoms during both day and night. Thankfully it eventually tapered off around day 6, which I expect your brother's experience will as well at some point. It may not seem like it to him in the moment, but he should know that he'll likely be fine if he can just hold on.

As far as mitigating the worst of it, the advice from The Conclave is the best I've found. That includes exercise, acupuncture, "grounding" foods, etc. But the one that worked best for me when I was really having extreme effects was sedatives/anti-anxiety medication that focuses on GABA. And if he wants to go the more natural route (which is what I did), he could use the supplement GABA itself or another supplement called Kava. Either of those should temporarily calm down the energetic madness of reactivations.

Conclave integration guidelines:
Hello beautiful community!

I am posting here as my previous post wasn't viewed.

Four months ago my brother took part in a bufo ceremony guided by shamans. This was his second time doing it - the first time was a very positive experience. This time, the amount he was given was far too strong and has left him shaken and experiencing intense reactivations. Vibrating into nothingness at night, heightened state of consciousness in the day, accompanied by panic attacks. I have read a lot of advise on this forum which has been really encouraging but wanted to reach out and see if anyone has had reactivations that lasted months, and if anyone has advice on how they dealt with it?

The reactivations are definitely less strong and frequent now but the fact he still has them makes him really worried this is for life. Has anyone had a similar experience and fully recovered?

So far he is trying not to resist the medicine and has sought therapy.He is also very healthy in his diet and lifestyle. He has tried acupunture which released a huge wave of psychedelic sensations. Any other suggestions?

Thank you so much to anyone who responds 
Introductions/Newbies / Please help - reactivations la...
Last post by Toadtoadtoad - May 03, 2024, 12:14:24 PM
Hello beautiful community!

Four months ago my brother took part in a bufo ceremony guided by shamans. This was his second time doing it - the first time was a very positive experience. This time, the amount he was given was far too strong and has left him shaken and experiencing intense reactivations. Vibrating into nothingness at night, heightened state of consciousness in the day, accompanied by panic attacks. I have read a lot of advise on this forum which has been really encouraging but wanted to reach out and see if anyone has had reactivations that lasted for months, and if anyone has advice on how they dealt with it?

So far he is trying not to resist the medicine and has sought therapy.He is also very healthy in his diet and lifestyle. I've heard acupuncture can help. Any other suggestions?

Thank you so much to anyone who responds 
Introductions/Newbies / Re: Excited 💕✨
Last post by Brother Goose - April 28, 2024, 03:18:47 PM
Welcome to the forum!  _/|\_
Introductions/Newbies / Re: New to 5Meo - Strong Physi...
Last post by Brother Goose - April 28, 2024, 03:17:52 PM
Welcome to the boards!

My first and only experience with Toad was truly life changing and profound.

The feeling of being cleaned out afterward ("afterglow) was truly amazing as well.

Looking forward to more posts from you.  _/|\_
Introductions/Newbies / New to 5Meo - Strong Physical ...
Last post by jpdubby - April 22, 2024, 09:51:23 PM
What a wonderful forum and such a great collection of wisdom about this mystical teacher!

I have sat with this medicine 4 times in 6 months, and the experience has been relatively the same every time and I am left feeling more and more whole after every journey. I freebase 55-60mg of natural toad with a facilitator, and I continuously have strong physical and oral reactions that are often quite similar in shape and tone. I am curious if this is something that anyone has experienced, or knows anything about experientially?

Each time, it feels like I am falling out of a plane or being shot through the universe, and I sometimes gain "awareness" of myself, however I am able to meet that awareness with surrender which takes me back into the cosmic tornado. I scream and spread my arms like an angel, roll on the ground, and make noises I have never heard before. The entire experience feels wild and reckless. As someone who has been very rigid and controlled in life, this feeling is the most beautiful and freeing thing I have ever experienced, even though I do not remember most of the journey.

Afterwards I feel whole and light, as if I have purged. The entire process feels like the full expression of life coming through me. I can only say that it feels like I am jumping from a plane with no view of the ground, and I enter this cosmic stream of life that takes me over. It's like an exorcism.

I truly enjoy it, however, I notice that others have more stillness in their journeys, and it got me thinking about the nature of the medicine and how it affects individuals.  I don't know if there is an "answer" and nor do I seek one, I am just so curious about the patterns that have developed and how they can be used as teachers.  Perhaps others with more experience have some insights into this amazing medicine, or similar journeys?

Thank you for welcoming me, I so very enjoy reading about your experiences and healing.
Introductions/Newbies / Excited 💕✨
Last post by 🌺🔥✨ - April 15, 2024, 11:35:00 AM
Hello all!

I am very excited to (hopefully) meet some people along this journey through this forum and generally have a social place to read about, share about, chat about these experiences together!

I am very new to psychedelics. I have however tried the following medicines at low/medium doses: MDMA, Mescaline, LSD, Mushrooms, DMT(very low!), Salvia(very low!)

My favorite way to trip so far is in a very quiet nature spot I know with my eyes open. I love seeing nature in all it's beauty like that. I have not gone 'inward' much yet but I am still very very young when it comes to psychedelics :)

Wishing anyone who reads this much love and wonder ✨💕

Great report. Thank you for comparing how you reacted at different dosage levels.  _/|\_