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Topics - siennamitori

General Discussion / Reactivations with cannabis?
August 13, 2021, 03:42:10 AM
Has anyone had reactivations triggered by cannabis use? I've noticed that in the days after my first toad ceremony, I've felt extra happy after vaping indica which I use for insomnia. Normally cannabis has not made me feel blissful, it actually can increase my anxiety, but recently after vaping I do feel bliss and it makes me smile. I have not experienced any spontaneous reactivations. Thoughts?
Introductions/Newbies / Hello from the PNW
August 13, 2021, 03:16:48 AM
Hi all, just recently had my first experience with toad venom after months of learning as much as I could about it. So thankful to have had a beautiful, gentle trip with a much needed release of emotions and "mind reset." I am studying to be a psychiatric nurse practitioner and am fascinated by psychedelic research. Looking forward to discussing and exploring deeper. ❤️