Thank you for your fresh post about integration Abrelosojos.
It sounds like you are working hard and have embraced a healthier lifestyle. Good for you...good for the world.
Would love to hear about your "repeated" experiences. Were they similar? Did you have a full non-dual experience always, some or not yet? Do you know your approximate dosages? Was it always smoked?
You mentioned shaman. Was your experienced a ritual type ceremony like I've seen performed on video in Mexico alone, with others?
Sorry if that sounds like a lot but these are things I see as important as "work" with this molecule broadens at a fast rate. Having places where people can genuinely share their experiences and ask any questions and feel safe are really valuable to the successful adoption of the use of these substances.
Thanks for showing up

It sounds like you are working hard and have embraced a healthier lifestyle. Good for you...good for the world.
Would love to hear about your "repeated" experiences. Were they similar? Did you have a full non-dual experience always, some or not yet? Do you know your approximate dosages? Was it always smoked?
You mentioned shaman. Was your experienced a ritual type ceremony like I've seen performed on video in Mexico alone, with others?
Sorry if that sounds like a lot but these are things I see as important as "work" with this molecule broadens at a fast rate. Having places where people can genuinely share their experiences and ask any questions and feel safe are really valuable to the successful adoption of the use of these substances.
Thanks for showing up