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Direct Interphase, Absorption into Infinity and Self Evaporation.

Started by Rising Spirit, December 10, 2020, 10:16:03 AM

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Rising Spirit

Good day, one and all.  I thought I might just post a thread within this sadly neglected, spiritual sub-forum about the mystical and wholly nondual nature of the 5-MeO-DMT experience.  Granted, speaking in human linguistic terms of the eclipsing of oneself and the sacred molecule, one can but fall tragically shy of the mark, as how does one catch the ineffible in mere words?  So we always fail to cohessively dissect the reality of the supreme unification rationally...  it burns itself forevermore within our very souls.  Ergo, nothing can rbe said, yet there is still value in sharing fractured insights and slivers of our most life-changing, supra transcendental epiphanies.  At least, I truly feel that this is of paramount importance and I strongly suspect that I am not alone in this regard?

Over 2,500 years ago, the venerable Chinese sage Lao Tzu, wrote that,
"The Tao that can be described is not the eternal Tao.  The name that can be spoken is not the eternal name.  The nameless is the boundary of Heaven and Earth.  The named is the mother of creation.  Freed from grasping, one can see the hidden mystery.  By desiring to hold this fleeting world, one can only see what are seemingly "real" manifestations of this indivisible force, and not the true essence."
(Isolated within one's own dreamy illusion of transient, forever changing appearances).

So, this timeless conundrum is not just limited to psychonautical voyagers alone, it is equally paramount to all of humankind, as a whole.  Given that the ancient Taoist sages were alchemists, who can truly say if entheogenic compounds were not in part responsible for some of these deeply cosmic and poignantly poetic observations?  That being said, I would like to steer this discussion towards the commonalities shared betwixt the ancient mystics and/or present day explorers, who with some trepidation, venture into the realm revealed by Toad secretions or synthetic 5-MeO-DMT.

We all collectively share many of the very same paradigmatic, existential dynamics.  In symbiosis, we are each and all of us, awaiting the ultimate awakening from our own self-inflicted imprisonment.  We are all born into this world, we incrementally learn to navigate within this seemingly material universe, which we co-create together with one another and within the measurement of the time-space-continuum...  so too, we all eventually die physically.  Thus we freely choose, whether we believe we do or that we do not, to essentially dream ourselves into the living fabric of this 3-dimensional, mortal lifetime.  And ultimately...  we pass away and then return to whence we arose from, waaaaaaaaaaay way back into the unborn & undying Source of Omniversal Being.  As such, the 5 sacrement lovingly (and often terrifyingly) gifts us with magnificent glimpses of true reality beyond the confines of ourselves.

We are suddenly pulled instantly into an explosion of purest energy, we are helplessly drawn into a skyrocketing journey reaching the borders of sheerest oblivion and then, the molecule drops us right back down into our own dream bubble of egoic mesmerism.  I do humbly feel that such spirit voyages are very, very important for the growth of our awareness, facilitating the remembrance of our very souls.  For tasting the nectarine force of eternity is, as far as I'm concerned, a gift more precious than any worldly treasure.  How lucky are we?  Well, at least once we move past our instinctual fear of death and dying and our resistance to ego dissolution, shattered within a stasis of total self erasure.  Even so, I have come to emphatically believe that the unbound joyousness and limitless ecstatic bliss generated from such a full release dose of this anointment, is a prize superseding any degree or measurement, in conceptual terms...  a veritable Holy Grail.   

I feel strongly that seamlessly dissolving into the undifferentiated brilliance of the full-blown whiteout experience is by far, the absolute pinnacle of individual existence.  Ironically, it cannot seemingly bloom exponentially until the human host's mind is wholly stilled and subjective witnessing of the phenomenon cleansed away (albeit temporarily).  Curiously though, there are supra-luminous impressions etched upon the heart and soul of the intrepid pilgrim.  Within such an enigmatic pause, waves of energy fuel spiritual awakening, which washes over the soul bird in it's blinded, yet intuitive flight.  Ergo, much can be gleaned from the immersion. 

Buddhists speak of a neon bright emptiness, an effulgently shimmering void without any degree of any distinct thing-ness...  an eternal expanse of formless force, radiating epicentrically, all that could ever become a potential reality in bloom.  They named this Sunyata in ancient India.  Paradoxically extending into disillusion of dimensional, finite being, the individual self disappears and all directional thought ceases to be detectable.  Not just an absolute nothing...  but still, no thing at all.  Like the Chinese notion of the Tao, it remains free of any dichotomy or fractured dualism.  It's nature defies our fragile reasoning and vain attempts to accurately describe this all-pervasive presence through reason or definitive quantification.  God then,effulgently remains shrouded in complete mystery.  That being said, we are ever drawn like moths to the holy flame.  5-MeO-DMT takes one to this enigmatic point and further beyond the beyondest of any knowable beyonds.  Save for our nondual epiphanies, it is wholly unknowable to the isolated witness (in terms of rational, subjective thinking). 

Still, while tantalizing the conscious-awareness of the intrepid spirit body with the exquisite flavor of forever-ness, this always present, zero-point field of unbreakable unity, magically consumes the barriers and destroys the very bars which imprison the immortal Omniself and enlightens the indwelling soul-witness to the Source.  This is surely the realm of the mystical state of Samadhi.  Please feel free and encouraged to chime in with any ideas.  I so marvel at such gems of my fellow human family member's unique insights. And while any talk at all is kind of futile, certainly, I value any offerings with great enthusiasm.  While attempting to speak of the miracle of the nondual state escapes our fervent grasp, I submit that there is much beauty and wisdom to share with one another.  Namaste & Namaskar. _/|\_ _/|\_
There is no self to which I cling, for I am one with everything.